Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

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  • Choosing the "back" button of your browser will take you to the last site you visited, not the last page you were looking at. Be careful with this.

  • If you're using Netscape and you want to reload one of the frames (like the text you see here), there's a command in the "view" menu that allows you to "reload frame". Try it now.

  • If you're using Netscape and you want to return to the last page viewed, but don't remember where you were, click and hold your mouse button (the right mouse button if you're on a PC), and you'll see a couple of commands, "back in frame" and "forward in frame". Try this now.

After you've looked at featured films from this site, just look for the Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment logo that you see above. Clicking on that logo will return you to this page.

You can choose to view this site without Shockwave animations, but to experience the full thrill that is Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, download the Shockwave 5 plug-in. It's fun and easy.