Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Other orienteering sites of interest on the net:
Rick Slater's Orienteering and Rogaining page, which includes addresses of orienteering clubs as well as schedules, results, and information about events throughout North America, and links to organizations throughout the world.
The 1995 World Orienteering Championships page, with results and maps with winners' routes.
Jan Kobach's orienteering page includes links to many Norwegian maps. Most people would agree that Norway (the site of the 1997 World Championships) provides the ultimate in orienteering terrain.
Orienteering equipment and supplies can be ordered (or a catalog requested) from:
- J. Berman's Orienteering Supply Co.
P.O. Box 460
Sunderland, MA 01375
(413) 665-7822 (voice, message, or fax)
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