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121001 * Windows95.com

The page of the most popular operating system in the world, but also this is a page of the most (negatively) critisized product. We aretalking of course for the notorious Windows95. For many people its Heaven, but for others ( quite possibly more) this product represents Hell. Thissite will help you overcome (almost) all yourproblems, where ever those might be, by providing: a special page with help for new users, instructions on the operation and correct use of the TCP/IP protocol, 32bit drivers for all the appliances now existing in the market, 32bit programs of every kind as well as a complete glossary of the Internet called Internet Hyper-glossary. Of course on a page like this, that gets thousands of hits per day, one could not avoid the existence of ads. So, since Microsoft gives the chance to everyone to advertize himself on the Windows95 site, the only thing we expect now to see is the ad of OS/2 in the Microsoft page.

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