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106016 * Énternet Scuba diving Club (I.S.D.C.)

Scuba diving is a sport rather mysterious. Mysterious like the ocean bed that offers hospitality to scuba divers. Its mystery is probably the main reason which makes some people wanting to explore it, to get lost in the deep blue, to find out all of its treasures. Scuba diving is the only way to accomplish it. It’s not just a sport among many others, or one of many hobbies existing, not even an occupation, which keeps the body in good shape like many others. Scuba diving is a passion! I.S.D.C. was created in order to find a way to get together and to communicate with all the people sharing the same passion. The passion for Scuba Diving! The other thing these people must have in common is the use of Internet as a mean of communication. The idea of creating this club became reality thanks to the need and desire to give the opportunity to all scuba divers and Internet users to keep in touch to one another.
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