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New Product: Female Security Device
Inventor: Norma Brown
U.S. Patent S/N: Pending

As attorney for the inventor of an innovative Female Security Device, we are currently seeking manufacturing companies to license, purchase patent rights or enter into a royalty agreement for this timely invention.

 The Female Security Device is designed to defend and protect a woman against rape. It is placed withing the vaginal cavity of a female to protect and minimize physical damage caused by sexual intercourse. The device is able to retrieve evidence of rape and provide evidence for identifying a perpetrator. This is done by using a needle to to obtain a penile tissue sample and to cause penile tissue irrritation, and by obtaining a semen sample. It also has pressure sensative sensors that are connected to a microcomputer that is activated by vaginal muscle contraction indicative of penile penatration. Optionally, this sensor may be hooked up to an auditory recorder to record all sounds occurring during sexual intercourse.

Now for the first time this simple and easy to use Female Security Device is being made available to millions of potential users. The low manufacturing cost of the product is also of major importance.

 If you are interested in licensing, purchasing the rights to the above invention or entering into a royalty agreement please contact the office of Michael I. Kroll as follows:


Michael I. Kroll
171 Stillwell Lane
Syosset, New York 11791
Tel. #: 800-367-7774
Tel. #: 516-367-7777
Fax #: 800-367-7704
Fax #: 516-692-2787
E-Mail [email protected]


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