Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
As attorney for the inventor of an innovative Sensor Shoe, we are currently seeking manufacturing companies to license, purchase patent rights or enter into a royalty agreement for this timely invention.
The Sensor Shoe is a shoe with a built in sensor that is able to detect chafing of the skin of the wearer of the shoe, and releases an antibiotic to treat the injury after it is detected. It also provides an early warning system for treating tissue injury, and can detect changes in temparature and moisture around the foot of the wearer. The Sensor Shoe is particularly suited for Diabetics.
Now for the first time this simple and easy to use Sensor Shoe is being made available to millions of potential users. The low manufacturing cost of the product is also of major importance.
If you are interested in licensing, purchasing the rights to the above invention or entering into a royalty agreement please contact the office of Michael I. Kroll as follows: