tag below.-->

Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Internet Exploiter is Here!
IE4 is Here! 

We should change the name of HALE-BOPP to HAIL-BILL

Bill's Gate
I can't say I could explain why a bunch of Packer Fans would kill themselves after such a good season.
Dang, some people think I'm Satan. How could they? I give a million dollars to some crubling school every few days so they can get PC's and Internet Explorer (Who cares about lack of schoolbooks and crumbling buildings...). Anyhow, I am just creating this special page to tell you you should be only using Microsoft products right now. To take your computing experience to the "Next Level", you should discard any software that doesn't say Microsoft on it in big letters. Your computer is a "container" that should only hold Microsoft software.
All of the other software and media companys now are just in the"learning level". Once they get bought out (or put out of business) by Microsoft, they will be in the "Evolutionary Level Above" normal companies. 
New evidence from our Redmond labs show that the Heaven's Gate suicide incident was caused by the uninstallation of Microsoft Internet Explorer. You see, their leader Do (and head webmaster of course) threw Microsoft Internet Explorer into the recycle bin by accident. Not noticing it, Explorer got deleted from his system. It turned out they couldn't even live without it. So, before he could find the link to download it on our site, he and all his followers killed themselves. No wonder they thought this world was going to be recycled!

A story about a company that doesn't believe or accept us...

Hehe, don't I have an explanation for everything. After all, aren't I Bill Gates? That "Hale Bopp" incident was really the reaction of a small group of weird people to a minor bug in Netscape Navigator. Whenever you place a prominent object in your browser's startup screen, thousands of people get attached to it. And if a few are almost crazy already, it will lead them the rest of the way. That comet in the Netscape 3.0 startup screen was responsible for the group's lively obsession with Hale Bopp. And then (of course) they ended up killing themselves to get with the object behind the comet. Pretty nasty bug I'd say (And you thought Internet Explorer's bugs were bad!).

Those folks in the black Nikes gave me a great idea. Mass-suicides are the perfect tool for mass-marketing. Just think of all the publicity and money we'd get if we could get MSNBC exclusive  coverage for the next mass-suicide. I guess I'm dreaming, but we could buy the rights to evrything that happens, (ie. the next earthquake, the next flood, the next good murder trial etc...) and rake in all the advertising revenue! And There's More
LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

... Philosophy and Quotes ...

Keys or Bookmarks to Vital Information About Bill

Start me Up
(Bill Style)
RA 28.8
Bill Gate's Secret Diary
MS Joke
57 million websites
and nothing's on

Start me Up
(Bill Style)
RA 3.0 download
Bill Gates
Wall 'O Shame
Official Anti-M$
When Stuff BlowsUp, You Win! 

Guestbook Punch Bill Gates - (Requires Netscape 3.0

Geek Site of the Day 4/14/1997!
Cruel Site of the Day 8/25/97
[ E-Mail Bill! ([email protected]), or E-Mail Me ]
Best experimented with 
Microsoff Internet Inhaler
Click here to start! 
Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange
[ Background Music | SEEBIZ.COM | Internet Explorer Post 2595 | Arsenic ]

Evil Empires... one                           down, one to go Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate Bill Gates in Heaven's Gate (not!), Heaven's gate, gates' bills, gate

What are we going to do tomorrow night Bill?

The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!

For more funny tunes, see the Twisted Tunes Vault!
Or, come see my other stuff in Humor Slate.