Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

by bill kendrick, (c) 1997

What Is It?

TREEMAKER is a graphics program that generates random pictures of trees.

 After thinking about it for a while, I decided that a simple recursive routine was all I needed to make a tree shape. When you think about it, each branch is just a line with some other lines coming off of it. Those lines ("child" branches) are in turn, exactly the same thing- another line with more lines coming off of it.



Make A Tree

How long should
it keep branching? 
Child Branches 
Children branches
are this much thinner 
Children branches
are this much shorter 
Max. degrees
(left or right)
children can branch 

(The pre-entered values are for an oak-like tree.) 

How To Use It

Simply enter numbers in the fields and click "Draw It!" to see the results. The graphic will be based on random numbers restricted by the values you entered. Hit "Reload" to get a slightly different tree for the values you typed in!


NOTE: Some values will cause Treemaker to crash and you won't get an image. Not to worry! Just try some lower, "safer" numbers.


"Treemaker," by Bill Kendrick, using cgi-draw, (c) March / April 1997.
 Lynx Compatible. Best Viewed With Any Browser. Java Free!
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