Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Vagrant Gaze
Photography by New York City Homeless
Photographs and Interviews | About This Site | Links to Other Sites

What's This Site All About?

    The Vagrant Gaze Web Site is dedicated to supplying a voice for those residents of New York City who typically go unheard. Homelessness in the U.S. is always a topic of debate. Unfortunately, those who are usually left out of the dialogue are the homeless themselves. This site allows the homeless to depict in a creative way those images which are most important to them. Also, this site allows the homeless to relay the narrative that is their lives. Unfortunately the format of this site only allows each homeless person a small window of opportunity for self expression. It is hoped that although these artistic expressions are fleeting in nature, they will supply each person with a sense of self-worth and value...Possibly too much to ask for?

    The simplicity with which these compelling photographs and interviews are garnered is staggering. I buy a disposable, one-use camera and approach persons who I observe to be panhandling on New York City streets. I ask them if they would enjoy taking photographs of anything that they deem to be important and worthy. Upon obtaining their agreement we arrange to meet the following day at a designated time. Each participant is given $20 for their efforts. I would like to give more but cannot afford to do so without some outside funding (If you would like to support these efforts please contact me).


For further information about anything found on this site please contact:

Michael Rennick

[email protected]

Text--Copyright © 1997 Michael Rennick

Photographs--Copyright © 1997 Michael Rennick

Last Revised--November 7, 1997

people have visited Vagrant Gaze since 12/01/1997.
Special thanks to those at Perfekt Net for their generous efforts in support of this site.