Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Supersaturation, transmission and manipulation of pure information, scintillating life forms in the Cyberspace data ocean : one book, William Gibson's "Neuromancer", and one movie, Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" , set the cyberpunk stage ten earth years ago. Beyond paper, laser and films, cyberpunk has become a talisman enabling you to go beyond the frontiers of reality. Esthetics of drifts and cybernautique abduction, somwhere between the third degree violence of Judge Dredd and the techno-hippy utopia of a real electronic democracy.

To enter Cyberpunk Strategy, click on the correct answers. And beware of Cyberspace traps...They can be virtually deadly.

Play cinebernetik with Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd, Sylvester Stallone on the screen, was first a comic-strip hero. Which one of these quotes is not by Judge Dredd?

- "Order is a place for everyone and everyone in his place".

- "Sometimes, the innocent must suffer".

- "For me, happiness is law and order".

Seebervisions mistakes can be fatal.

The most significant object of cyberpunk literature is :

- The super sophisticated artificial intelligence robot, even wiser than humans in spite of its rather gory aspect.

- The scalpel-blade hand, with a blade on each finger, stuck under the nail, one inch long and sharpened on each side so as to stand better chances in the Cornub street-fights.

- The brain implant that you plug straight into the network, or that boosts your neuronic circus.

Are voices of Technagora possible to find?

Who are the cyberpunks?

- A branch of the cyberpunk movement, composed of very trashy authors that send their radical or hard core writtings onto the network in the name of electronic anarchy.

- A bunch of liberal-libertarian activistes that doggedly defend the encoding of computerised data in the network, in fact they call themselves encoded-anarchistes.

- A collective of New York punky artists who put together sculptures made from domestic garbage, carcasses of computerised creatures and gadgetery (computers, micro chips,etc...) and collectively create network images from photographies of these rejects of contemporary society.

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