Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

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Nuclear Data

 Nuclear Test Sites



 Arms Control Treaties





 Nuclear Fission 

Nuclear Fusion 

Example: New York City

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  elcome to the Atomic Archive. This site explores the complex history surrounding the invention of the atomic bomb - a crucial turning point for all mankind. AJ Software & Multimedia presents this site as an online companion to its CD-ROM, The Atomic Age

Follow a timeline that takes you down the path of our nuclear past, from the 1920s to the present. Read biographies of A-bomb father Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi's account of the Trinity Test. Examine maps of the damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and summaries of arms-control treaties. You'll also find an excellent gallery of photographs and historical footage. 

Keep me posted about changes to this site!


This month in Atomic History

1938  December-Fermi receives the Nobel prize for the discovery of transuranic elements (actually fission of uranium) and departs for the "new world"
December 22, Hahn and Strassmann (later Meiter and Frisch) conclude that the identification of barium implies that the uranium nucleus has been fissioned by neutrons. 
1942  December 2-First nuclear chain reaction at Chicago's Stagg Field by Fermi. 
1946  December 31-AEC takes over nuclear weapons program from the Army. 
1979  December 26-U.S.S.R. invades Afghanistan; SALT II Treaty removed from consideration by the Senate. 
1986  December-First 10 MXs become operational.
1987  December 8- Reagan and Gorbachev sign the INF Treaty.

Latest News

12/2/97 Added a section of information about global nuclear stockpiles.
11/17/97 Added the "classic" blast wave effects on a house series.
11/16/97 Moved the awards to a new page to allow for faster loading of this page.

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 Last updated December 1, 1997