Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
5 Axis Robotic Arm Kit / Part no. 5AA-KT / $195.00
Serial cable for PC / Part no. DB9-01 / $6.00
BASIC Controllable / Pre-assembled Electronics!
The Lynxmotion 5 Axis Robotic Arm Kit delivers fast, accurate and repeatable
movement. The robot features; base rotation, shoulder, elbow and wrist
motion and a functionial gripper to make up five axis of movement. No soldering
is required for this kit as the servo controller is completely assembled.
With the exception of some basic construction supplies all components are
included to assemble a functional robot. A host PC or microcontroller is
required to issue simple positional commands for movement. The Lynxmotion
5 Axis Robotic Arm Kit is a very affordable introductory system and makes
a great teaching aid.
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Robot Specifications
Mobile 5 Axis Arm Kit / Part no. MRA-KT / $250.00
Serial cable for PC / Part no. DB9-01 / $6.00
Differential Steering / Pre-assembled Electronics!
The Lynxmotion Mobile Robotic Arm Kit adds another level of excitement
to your robotic experiments. The robot features; base rotation, shoulder
elbow and wrist motion and a functionial gripper along with two additional
servos to provide differential steering. No soldering is required for this
kit as the servo controller is completely assembled. With the exception
of some basic construction supplies all components are included to assemble
a functional robot. A host PC or microcontroller is required to issue simple
positional commands for movement. The Lynxmotion Mobile Robotic Arm Kit
is an affordable intermediate system that makes a great foundation for
more advanced robotic experiments.
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Robot Specifications
3 Axis Robotic Arm Kit / Part no. 3AA-KT / $155.00
Serial cable for PC / Part no. DB9-01 / $6.00
Simplified Design / Pre-assembled Electronics!
The Lynxmotion 3 Axis Robotic Arm Kit is perfect for those who want
to experiment with a robotic manipulator, but don't need the complexity
of the 5 axis model. The robot features; base rotation, shoulder motion
and a functionial gripper to make up three axis of movement. No soldering
is required for this kit as the servo controller is completely assembled.
With the exception of some basic construction supplies all components are
included to assemble a functional robot. A host PC or microcontroller is
required to issue simple positional commands for movement. The Lynxmotion
3 Axis Robotic Arm Kit is a very affordable introductory system as well
as being a great teaching aid.
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Robot Specifications
Carpet Rover Kit / Part no. CR-KT / $115.00
IRPD Infrared Proximity Detector Kit / Part no. IRPD-01
/ $30.00
Designed for Rough Terrain!
The Lynxmotion Carpet Rover Kit makes a great small (6" x 6") mobile
base. The robot features a simple differential steering system controlled
from a basic programmable microcontroller. Soldering is required for the
microcontroller and servo adapter PC board. With the exception of some
basic construction supplies all components are included to assemble a functional
robot. A host PC is required to download programs to the microcontroller.
The Lynxmotion Carpet Rover Kit is a very affordable introductory system
that can be used to do line tracking, light following, robot art, maze
following and more.
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Robot Specifications
Micromouse Kit / Part no. MM-KT / $95.00
Tracker Line Tracking Kit / Part no. TRA-01 / $20.00
Designed for Smooth Terrain!
The Lynxmotion Micromouse Kit makes a great small (4" x 4") mobile
base. The robot features a simple differential steering system controlled
from a basic programmable microcontroller. Soldering is required for the
microcontroller and servo adapter PC board. With the exception of some
basic construction supplies all components are included to assemble a functional
robot. A host PC is required to download programs to the microcontroller.
The Lynxmotion Micromouse Kit is a very affordable introductory system
that can be used to do line tracking, light following, robot art, maze
following and more.
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Robot Specifications
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Hexapod Walker Kit / Part no. H1-KT / $150.00
IRPD Infrared Proximity Detector Kit / Part no. IRPD-01
/ $30.00
Up to 1.5" Leg Lift / 1.25" Ground Clearance!
The Lynxmotion Hexapod Kit really walks using the alternating tripod
gait. The robot's six legs are controlled by three servos to provide full
motion and over 2" of verticle leg lift. Soldering is required for the
microcontroller and servo adapter PC board. With the exception of some
basic construction supplies all components are included to assemble a functional
robot. A host PC is required to download programs to the microcontroller.
The Lynxmotion Hexapod Kit is a very affordable introductory system that
can walk forward, reverse and turn on a dime left or right.
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Robot Specifications
Hexapod II Walker Kit / Part no. H2-KT / $375.00
2 Mini SSC II Servo Controllers / Part no. SSC-01
/ $88.00
Serial cable for PC / Part no. DB9-01 / $6.00
Up to 2.75" Ground Clearance / Up to 2lbs of Payload!
The Lynxmotion Hexapod II Kit, nicknamed "The Beast" is a real monster.
The robot features two servos per leg for a very versatile robot. This
kit comes with all the components to construct a complete chassis, ready
for your servo controller and battery pack. Combine the Hexapod II with
two Mini SSC II servo controllers and a Basic Stamp II or other microcontroller
for a functional robot. The Lynxmotion Hexapod II Kit is a very affordable
intermediate system that can be used for more advanced robotic experimants.
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Robot Specifications
Tracker Kit / Part no. TRA-01 / $20.00
Tracker is a line tracking sensor kit to be used with the the above Mobile
Arm Kit, Carpet Rover Kit, Micromouse Kit or other mobile robots. The kit
will allow your robot to reliably follow either a 1/4" black line on a
white background or vise versa. The kit includes a high quality PC board
and all of the components needed to construct the reflective sensor trio.
This kit works well with all microcontrollers. The illustrated manual discusses
assembly details as well as programming examples.
IRPD Infrared Proximity Detector Kit / Part no. IRPD-01 / $30.00
IRPD is a high tech obstacle detection sensor kit to be used with the the
above Mobile Arm, Carpet Rover Kit, Micromouse, Hexapod and HexapodII robot
kits or other mobile robots. With this kit installed your robot will be
able to sense obstacles in left, right and center quadrants. The sensitivity
is adjustable down to 4". The kit includes a high quality PC board and
all of the components needed to construct the infrared reflective sensor.
This kit works well with all microcontrollers. The illustrated manual discusses
assembly details as well as programming examples. We now have code for
the Hexapod and are working on the others.
MiniSSC II Servo Controller / Part no. SSC-01 / $44.00
(Assembled, not a kit!)
Serial cable for PC / Part no. DB9-01 / $6.00
board allows you to position up to 8 servos with simple commands at 2400
or 9600 baud. This controller allows you to change the range from 90 deg
in .36 deg steps to 180 deg in .72 deg steps with the installation of a
single jumper. The assembly manual has programming examples. Requires a
host PC or microcontroller to issue commands.
Counterfeit Kit / Part no. STA-01 / $40.00 (Value added with servo adapter PC board!)
Counterfeit Basic Stamp is a complete basic microcontroller on a 1 1/4"
x 2" PC board. The kit includes a high quality PC board, all the components,
adapter PC board for connecting servos, software / programming examples
and a professionally illustrated assembly manual. Requires a host PC for
programming. The microcontroller has many uses in robotics and motion control.
Servo 6 Pack (42oz.-in.) / Part no. S6P-01 / $80.00
Single Servo (42oz.-in.) / Part no. S1-01 / $15.00
Large Scale Servo (133oz.-in.) / Part no. SLS-01 /
servos have been used in the RC industry for years. With the introduction
of smaller more powerful micro-controllers these servos can easily be used
in robotics. The kit includes 6 Hitec HS-300 standard servos, professionally
illustrated users manual showing control and modifications. Requires a
MiniSSC servo controller or Counterfeit Basic Stamp controller to provide
the positioning pulses. These servos can even be modified for continuos
Panel 3 Pack / Part no. BP-01 / $10.00
material far out performs aluminum in weight verses strength. The kit includes
3 blank PVC panels measuring 8" x 12" x 1/8". These panels make great prototyping
material for robotics. The material is light weight yet surprisingly strong
and durable. It can be easily drilled and machined, and can be glued with
a Super Glue equivalent. Mix and match between yellow or black colors.
Mobile Robots Book / Part no. BMR-01 / $48.00
Robots Inspiration to Implementation, Joseph L. Jones (IS Robotics) Anita
M. Flynn (AI Lab MIT). 350 pages, hard cover. This book is an excellent
source of information for the beginner as well as the experienced roboticist.
Mobile Robots covers all aspects of building and controlling small sophisticated
mobile robots.
Really Cool T-Shirt / Part no. RCT-01 / $16.00
T-shirts are imprinted with an image of the Hexapod II with a large gripper
attached to the front. These high quality shirts are available in gray
or yellow. Please specify size (M / L / XL) when ordering. You will be
the envy of your local robot club with this Really Cool T-Shirt.
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Credit card orders are welcome:
Send checks to:
Jim Frye
Lynxmotion, Inc.
104 Partridge Road
Pekin, IL 61554-1403Tel: 309-382-1816
Fax: 309-382-1254
For tech support or if you have any comments or suggestions
contact Jim at: [email protected]
For international or quantity shipping quotes send your name and complete
address to Annette at: [email protected]
Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Lynxmotion, Inc.