Archived Pages from 20th Century!!


The Kings Of Shame | Lyrical Letdowns | Haute Rocks | Flops On Film

As the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame approaches this week in Cleveland, PEOPLE ONLINE heralds the proceedings by bestowing its own , er, honors to some of Rock's denizens who will not be appearing. We're talking about the performers who deserve a very special place on the mantelpiece -- right up there with, say, your mood ring collection. The ones who made you laugh until you cried, or vice versa.

And so, dear readers, we ask you to throw caution to the wind (not to mention your good taste) and to enter -- drum roll --


This week, PEOPLE ONLINE will take a stroll down Nightmare Lane, celebrating the awful and the plain silly. We invite all bad music mavens out there to send us your own awful rock predictions for the coming year -- the best one could win... well, something better than a mood ring collection.