Last Updated: May 6,

�That gentleman will call the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I think they're scared of him. They're merely
professional killers; he's in advertising!�
( Robert Ludlum, �The Road to Gandolfo� )
The Gallery of Advertising Parody
Did you ever have one of those days where you were sick of advertisements?
Lame ads, dumb ads,
ads that exploited everything from women to bald guys. Well, we did! [And
we're in the
So it was natural for us to say "Let's create a site on the Internet where
everyone could take a
potshot at the "Ads From Hell", the ads we all love to hate.
By the way, this is the very same Gallery of Advertising Parody that was
discussed and dissected in Tom Robertson's Consumer Behaviour class at
University in Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada. He writes,
"Thanks so much for your very useful resources.
I have used your site quite successfully last
week in my Consumer Behaviour class. A number
of the ads generated considerable discussion!"
And they probably didn't even hit the jackpot! ("Oh God," she
gasped, "could
that be a cleverly disguised clue to even greater degradation and
Now, if that wasn't a thrilling testimonial, how about "Sleepless in
(aka Ed Margerum) who writes:
Another non-submission which popped into my head
from a misspent youth [follows]. Return with us now
to the days of yesteryear when there was a second-
rate radio show about a Native American hero called
Straight Arrow. It had a musical advertisement
rhythmically chanted to the beat of a TomTom.
- N**A**B**I**S**C**O
- Nabisco is the name to know
- For a breakfast you can't beat
- Try Nabisco Shedded Wheat
I fondly remember line three as "For a breakfast you
can't eat."
Your URL has certainly ruined a good night's sleep.
Aaaarrrrrggggh. I started to type Serutanly instead
of certainly. It's Nature spelled backwards. Hints of
evil potions perhaps. Can I be cured, Doctor?
[If not] I think that I'll go and blow my brains out
with the cereal shot from guns.
And let us not forget that Web
Rats' Magazine has given the Gallery of Advertising
Parody its coveted 5-star award and was "best of the best" in their 5 Star
Site section
in the Feb 20, 1996 issue with the following commentary:
"An absolute riot! Some of the most hilarious pages
on the Web. These folks have taken all your favorite
ads and�well, see for yourself. Nothing is sacred on
this page, not even the putrid yellow background".
We Want "Bad" Ads and Put-Ons
Here's the deal. If you're a
graphic designer, or
an art director, or someone with a scanner and a source of "put on" ads, then
email [BinHex
or MIME] them to us (in the form of a GIF or JPG file - approx. max. size
600x480x256 or 100K
whichever comes first, but smaller preferred):
TO: [email protected]
FROM: [your email address]
SUBJECT: Advertising Parody Submission
Ideally, we'd like the original (i.e. "for real") ad, and your "parody version"
of it. You may want
to include the following information:
- Where the ad was found (which magazine, newspaper, etc).
- Date and page of advertisement.
- A few sentences about "Why this ad pissed you off so much".
We'll post your image files here.
But before we do, would you like to take a look at Ad Age's 50
Best Commercials of all time?
Jim Munroe, Managing Editor of Adbusters
cordially invites you to visit < A
HREF="">their online site. Several of
the following ad parodies originate from this great magazine. If ya like ad
parodies, ya otta subscribe to da mag.
The Ads: Some Real, Some Parody. But Which Is Which?
Madison Avenue wasn't built in a day. By this we mean that we've got a few ads,
but could use
more. The advertisements du jour include:
- Absolut Vodka. So tasteful. So au courant.
It makes a DUI almost worth it.
- Cigarettes. A breath of fresh air. What
more can we say?
- Marlboro lives on. But the man died with
his boots
- A mechanical paste-up waxer you may be able to
use with
- Benson & Hedges proves they don't have
good taste.
Unless all the characters in this ad plan to jump -- then we're all for it.
- IBM demonstrates that it's embarrassing to
see old
farts pretend they're hip and cool. Especially when they're all warped and
- Comedy Central creates the ad that makes you
want to vomit
- on it, on them, whatever. C'mon. GenXers aren't that lame, are
- They're so big, so soft, so ripe and so much fun to play with. You just
want to squeeze them,
because they're Florida tomatoes.
- The top dog mounts an offensive offensive,
but you can't blame him,
because the bitches tail him relentlessly.
- You might not think of a magazine cover as an advertisement, but much time
is devoted to
the creation of covers that will make the magazines fly off the news racks.
Naturally, sex is a
popular "pick-me-up" inducement as this Vanity
Fair proves.
- There are jeans and then there's Versace.
- A personal lube job you'll never get from
Quaker State; it
requires magic fingers and the Midas touch.
- This GAP will persuade you that not everyone
is a fashion slave.
- Ru Paul wasn't available for this version of the "Sex, Lies & Dumb
Philosophy" tequila ad.
- Interactive games must be for frenetic,
design-impaired individuals as this ad, targeted at the sophisticated,
upscale, and
definitely-not-12-years-old readers of Wired seems to suggest.
- The "Truth is Stranger than Fiction Award" goes to hot San Francisco
ad agency
Goldberg Moser O'Neill for a "Help Wanted" ad they ran
in Adweek 7/24/95
- First there was The Creature from the Black Lagoon, then
Now, it's The Attack of the Cybercrud: The Mediocre Internet Movie(s)
from one thin thread of THE WEB. It
obviously a parody of THE NET with Sandra Bullock. You can see the full
size image at
Jim Thompson's website.
[NOTE: Most of the above ads are in JPG format and are under
In the meantime, you may want to see "The History of
Sex In Advertising".
But don't say we didn't warn you.
And if that's not enough, go see some European
ads developed by Belgium ad agencies.
Jill Wohl,
editor of
DESIGN ONLINE suggests that you can become an honorary member of the Design Police. The
police exists to cite and solicit examples of poor design from concept to
execution to
fallout. If you ever thought, there oughta be a law against bad design, grab a
powdered-sugar donut and write up a ticket. Current citations have been issued
to McDonald's Happy
Meals and FedEx.

Got a URL You Think Should Be Posted Here?
Information about WebSites and WebPages of interest to advertisers and
marketers are
Click here for submission info.

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