Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Welcome to The Strawberry Facts Page, where you can learn all you ever wanted to know about the delicious fruit called the Strawberry, and more!
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This is the
Prior to the site transfer, this page had recieved OVER
23900 acesses since Mar 25, 1995.
The Strawberry Facts Page is a NON-COMMERCIAL site. Any links and information provided here is done so based entirely on the fact that it has some small relevance to the topic of Strawberries or, occationally, another type of fruit. Obtaining a link here has been, is, and will remain, free to places that so qualify. Two-way links are appreciated but are by no means required.
Many of the items in these pages are ones that I have have found and researched on my own, but quite a number of thoughtful people have provided me with many more items than I could ever have located on my own. To all of these, and anyone else who adds their knowledge and wisdom to this site in the future, I send a hearty THANK YOU! For if it weren't for you, this page wouldn't be half of what it is today.
Previous visitors to The Strawberry Facts Page at the original URL will note that this site has undergone a substantial face lift. In particular, each section of this site is now a separate file in an attempt to reduce the page access time for people with slower connections. Now you only need to load the strawberry information you are particularily interested in instead of everything all at once.
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Please Note:
If you registered for updates of the The Strawberry Facts Page
when it was at its original URL, you should re-register at this new URL
and cancel your registration for the old URL. Also, for your convenience,
registration forms are also located in each of the main section files so
that you may choose to register for the specific sections that interest
Also Note:
Collecting Strawberry Facts began as a lighthearted hobby of
mine. Much to my pleasure this little offshoot of my web site has been
receiving rave reviews and much traffic, and so I have been trying to make
this an even more interesting and useful Web Stop. With this in mind, I
have tried to include as many useful links and other information as I can.
However, I am still far and away from being any kind of expert on strawberries,
and if it isn't on this page (or linked from this page) I probably don't
know where to find it or what the answer is.
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However, as this page is constantly under construction, please feel
free to help me to make this an even better and more useful site by letting
me know about any Strawberry things I'm missing, answering some of the
unanswered questions, or providing anything that you know which is somehow
related to the topic of Strawberries and that you would like to see shared
with the Web on The Strawberry Facts Page.
Also, feel free to ask me any Strawberry related questions. If its not here already I probably won't be able to answer right away, but I can always post your question and see what turns up. -- strawberryJAMM ([email protected]) |
Since its creation The Strawberry Facts Page has been well received throughout webspace. I have been lucky enough to have it has recognized by a few review sites. Below are a list of those places that I know about who have acknowledged it or otherwise noticed this flavourful rest stop on the information highway. You might consider checking out some of these links since these sites will frequently lead you on to a plethora of other interesting and useful sites:
Reviewed in
Link of the Day
Date: Comment: Jul 03, 1996 - Added link to Vancouver Sun Web Site on Sustenance Page. Jun 26, 1996 - Removed Riddler Game Instructions from main page Jun 17, 1996 - Added Riddler Instructions to main page - Made new "Strawberry Speaking" page to hold language list - Added new items to "Awards & Recognition" section Apr 21, 1996 - Added link to text only version of site to all pages - Added new recipe to Favourite Recipe page Apr 20, 1996 - Added 'strawberry' in three more languages - Added several questions to questions.html - Added some new festival information to festivals.html - Added link to CA. Strawberry Commission to harvests.html - Added nutrition and handling tips From NASGA to sustenance.html Mar 31, 1996 - Added question on Strawberry Allergies to "Questions" page - Added 'strawberry' in 25 more languages Mar 30, 1996 - changed order of Morango/Mansikka to Mansikka/Morango - Added new languages to the keywords list Mar 29, 1996 - Added strawberry in Finnish and Croatian - Added Portuguese as language for "Morango" Mar 28, 1996 - Added <P> tags inside table cells so that text browsers will still see something resembling normal text. - Added the name of the strawberry in Swedish and Danish Mar 26, 1996 - Added "keywords" and "description" META tags to all pages Mar 25, 1996 - Second Major Overhaul and Move of URL to - divided site up into individual pages as a means of speeding up file access time for some visitors. - Added many new strawberry links and information. - Changed page counter from in-line xbm format to text brought in via server side include. - Wrapped new counter with <URL-minder-ignore> tags so that registered visitors won't be bothered unnecessarily. Feb 13, 1996 - Adjusted Quote to use <TT> instead of <PRE> - Fixed some minor bugs in file layout. - Added link in Index to this Revision History Section - Changed SRC value for Mouse Gif to point to a transparentized version Jan 31, 1996 - Swapped netscape <CENTER> for <DIV ALIGN="center">, <P ALIGN="center">, etc. throughout text - Added Credit to Kristine Adam for Strawberry Plant Image Jan 29, 1996 - Removed RIDDLER Clue and Replaced it with RIDDLER's Choice Logo Dec 10, 1995 - Major Overhaul -- new sections, new info & new links! Nov 18, 1995 - Minor Fixes to correct an error that caused some browsers to see garbage instead of URL-Minder form. Nov 13, 1995 - Added Embedded form for URL-Minder e-mail update notification. - Initial Creation of Revision History List
File last modified: June 17, 1996 @ 09:37
This file is located at Wimsey Information Services
Author: strawberryJAMM (Jenni A. M. Merrifield) : [email protected]