Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Manfred and Gordon's Virtual Patisserie, the website with more sweet and stodgy things than you can shake a stick at, is now open for business ...

The management would however like to take this opportunity to caution customers of a nervous or sensitive disposition. Since the Virtual Patisserie contains material of an ADULT NATURE, youngsters and those who may be offended by the sight of completely naked confectionery, or of very naughty pastries, seductively clad in thick and fruity sauces, should NOT enter.

Yes, yes, I know that the crumbs and currants fall into the keyboard, and get stuck between the keys, but I want to see and hear about cakes and other sticky delights, and I'm even willing to lick the spoon ...

Yum yum

No, no, I feel naughtier than Jack-the-Ripper if I eat a full cream yoghurt. The Virtual Patisserie must be a waiting room for damned souls. Please redirect me to a website more in keeping with my sensitive nature.


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