Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

A 21st Century communications firm recognized as a leader in consumer
health publishing for the managed care industry.

Hearing Screening
Get a free hearing screening over the telephone with no strings attached.

Crass Cash Quiz
It's a monthly health quiz
with a not-too-shabby $50 prize.
Offended? Give the prize to charity.

Sports Bodies
A former NFL trainer
offers tips for workout warriors and wannabes.
Health & You
Helpful, entertaining articles on health and wellness.

The Lourdes Connection To
Whole Health
The mind-body
route to better health.

Dr. Brian McDonough
He's a TV doc who sees patients and answers questions.
For Parents Only
Cranky kids who won't eat, how to deal with bullies. It's all here.
The Health Ink Genie
Make a health
communications wish, then let our dynamic journalists bring it to life.

Health Ink
One Executive Drive
Moorestown, NJ 08057

All contents copyright Health Ink Communications.