Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
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Welcome to The Postcard Page!
- The Postcard FAQ
- This is the official site of the Postcard FAQ!
- Postcard Lists and stuff
- Includes The Birthday List and information about both The Birthday List and The Trading List.
- Postcard Links
- Links and information to/about other postcard-related sites and resources.
- Postcard People
- A list of links to homepages of other postcarders.
- The Inquiring Collector - An initiative by Paul Engelberg
- Swiss Federal Railways Re 460 series locomotive
- A 10 piece postcard series issued by the Swiss Federal Railways in cooperation with the Swiss Transport Museum
Important message to postcard-list subscribers!
I seem to have lost my subscription to the postcard mailing list for some technical reasons. I have tried to resubscribe several times - without success. So if there is something you think I should know, please send me a personal email or use the feedback form.