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It's about sharing and you too can create a site using
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More awards...
Alcoholism creates
lonely people.
People who think they have no where to turn ... people
who think they are the only ones who have this problem ... they aren't
the alcoholics. No, it's us - the friends and family. You are not alone
as you will soon read...
From The Editor's Desk...
A weekly column of information, news, and fun! Don't
forget to ask for a weekly e-mail reminding you when the new column is
posted. Visiting for the first time? See our archived
In Our Words
Know that you are not alone in the struggle against alcoholism.
Both the alcoholic and the friends and family suffer equally from this
disease. These are our stories about pain, suffering, and feeling helpless
- in our words.
Discussion Area
Do you have a question or comment about alcoholism? Would
you like to help others with their questions about alcoholism? Would you
like to exchange e-mail addresses with others? Post your message in the
alcoholism discussion area.
Chat Rooms
Another Empty Bottle has its own chat rooms. We also
list other rooms on the Internet for the friends
and family, including regular Al-Anon meetings.
Anonymous Guestbook
Sign our anonymous guestbook or read some of the touching
current comments about alcoholism or comments
from the guestbook archives about alcoholism. |
But knowledge will
set you free...
... and knowing about alcoholism can help you understand
what is going on with the alcoholic in your life. Our information areas
are great places to begin. With all the links offsite don't forget to bookmark
this site before you start exploring the vast expanses of the web.
Have You Got Questions?
Everyone has questions about alcoholism and some of them
are asked over and over again. See if your question is in our frequently
asked questions.
About The Disease
Extensive information on alcoholism. There are resources
to alcoholism tests, effects, drunk driving and much more!
Help Groups and Hotlines
Help is available today. Your peace of mind could be a phone
call away. This site has compiled a large list of alcoholism, depression,
domestic abuse help groups and a variety of toll-free hotlines you can
use to get help right away for your problems.
Just For Kids
Kids - Is there something wrong in your family?
Does your family have a secret you're not supposed to tell anyone? Here
is another secret - there are a lot of kids just like you and me.
Related Links
Visit web sites hand picked to be packed with information
on alcoholism, family, self-help, general health, depression, domestic
violence and more. |