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The French Paradox: Alcohol & Health

Welcome to the French Paradox: Alcohol & Health, the online forum for the latest in news and research on alcohol and health from around the world.

Brits Increase Definition Of Healthy Drinking By 30 to 50%

60 Minutes Airs All New Program on The French Paradox: Wine & Health

The original program on 60 Minutes back on November 17, 1991 sent Americans out in record numbers looking for red wine, white wine, pink wine, any wine. And like many 60 Minutes programs, it upset the conventional wisdom, exposed a pack of falsehoods (mostly those of the NeoProhibitionists) and set people to thinking in a new way.
What will the new show hold for wine drinkers, NeoProhibitionists and the wine industry itself? CBS, naturally, won't comment. 
You can click here or on the CBS logo above to read the Wine Business Insider article on this upcoming program, Who you can expect to view and how it was produced - all along with some handy stats on what it meant the last time.
Click here or on the 60 Minutes Logo to go to the transcript of the program.

Is the moderate consumption of wine, beer and spirits healthy? Even more than abstaining? Can it help you live longer?
A MAMMOTH volume of well-conducted scientific research -- including scores of major studies published in such journals as The Journal of the American medical Association, The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and many others say "Yes." (We hope to have copyright and royalty issues cleared up in the near future so we can offer the originals of these studies to you.)
Indeed, the scientific consensus is that moderate consumers of alcohol (especially when consumed with meals) live longer than abstainers or heavy drinkers. (Remember, of course, that five to seven percent of Americans cannot drink moderately and should refrain from all alcohol.
Despite all the scientific proof, a substantial NeoProhibitionist movement in the United States -- including many in our governments and news media -- will ignore the truth, lie to you and tell you to: "Just Say No!"
We believe you're smart enough to decide for yourself if given the facts. This Web site is dedicated to bringing you all sides of the debate and presenting you with solid, unbiased information on which you can base a solid personal health decision.

Dig in and answer these among many other questions:

Can drinking alcoholic beverages protect me against food-borne diseases like hepatitis you can get from eating contaminated raw oysters?
Does the U.S. government REALLY believe the truth is misleading when it comes to alcohol and health?
Can regular alcohol consumption prevent osteoporosis in women?

Come on in! Get your feet wet and choose one of the following areas:

Index: Search articles and news by key word or concept

1995 Alcohol-Health News & NeoProhibitionist Alerts

1994 Alcohol-Health News & NeoProhibitionist Alerts

1993 Alcohol-Health News & NeoProhibitionist Alerts

1992 Alcohol-Health News & NeoProhibitionist Alerts

1991 Alcohol-Health News & NeoProhibitionist Alerts

Health News

Recipes: fast, easy, healthy -- Mediterranean!

FAQs: Read the chapters (full text) from: The French Paradox and Beyond: Live Longer With Wine and the Mediterranean Lifestyle the highly aclaimed book by Lewis Perdue

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