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Yucatan Peninsula,
Mexico 1996 

A Highly Decorated, Virgin Underwater Cave System was Recently Discovered. The Cavediver-Aquanauts push deeper and deeper into it. They've just exceeded 35 Miles of passages...a new world record...and there's more! 


The World HQ of the
El Jacinto Pat Expedition Project. 

This is NOT fiction,
It is History in the Making.

Maya Stone You are over the vast, flat, jungle expanse called the Yucatan.
Focus down on Tulum, the enigmatic, clifftop city of the Mayan Civilization.
The only Mayan city known to exist on the ocean's edge. 

Maya Stone In the Jungles nearby the ancient city lie the Two Longest underwater cave systems known on earth. 

Maya Stone The Mayan people, who continue to live and die here, regard the crystal clear holes leading to vast underground chambers as sacred. These are called Cenote, they are the doors to the underwater worlds. 

Maya Stone Through a quirk of Nature, the liquid catacombs were once dry...Then they flooded, pristine and gorgeous, full of flowstone and stalactites, incredible beauty sealed in fresh, clear, glasslike water. 

Maya Stone They found a skeleton in the now submerged caves that could be 10,000 years old. 

Maya Stone New Cave creatures that exist Nowhere else on earth are being found. 

Maya Stone This is the official Internet HeadQuarters of the Brave souls who dare to journey to the farthest reaches underground, underwater, ever. 

Maya Stone Some of the fantastic letters from our visitors. 

You Are at the Entrance

Field Headquarters Enter the MapRoom Explorers on the Expedition
Decorated Caves Tulum, Sea Cliff City
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