The Great Ideas Homepage

What is Great Ideas?
Great Ideas is an interdisciplinary course offered through the College
of Arts and Sciences here at Bowling Green State University that is a survey
of several fundamental ideas which have shaped modern culture in general
and Western culture in particular.
It is important to note that the ideas discussed in this class are
not the only "Great Ideas" out there, or even that these "Great
Ideas" are necessarily "good." As such, the goal of this
course is for the participants to explore these ideas by being curious
and open-minded on the one hand, and questioning and skeptical on the other.
We will use our reason and imagination to try to gain an introductory understanding
of the historical context that framed these ideas, and we will try to further
our knowledge about how these ideas are relevant for us today.
Feel free to contact me about any of the course materials or Internet
Resources you see mentioned here. If you are using Lynx, Netscape, or another
Web browser that supports e-mail, you can send e-mail to me by clicking
Available Course Materials
Available Student Essays
The students in this course have put together a lot of interesting writing
projects, some
of which are available by clicking here.
Available Net Resources
This space will be changing a lot during this semester, so if this is
your first visit, be sure to stop back. The resources listed here are loosely
categorized according to the "Great Ideas" discussed in the course.
By the way, most of the resources listed here were located simply by
doing a key word search with one of the many search engines available on
the Web. Click
here to be taken to Netscape's collection of Search Engines
Classical Greek Humanism
There are A LOT of net resources on religions of all types. Here
are just a few places to get started.
- The
WWW Library of Religion, which contains lots and lots of information
on Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Bahai. This page
also contains links to other religion-oriented pages and discussion groups.
- EiNet
Galaxy Religion Page, which is similar to the WWW Library page. EiNet
also has a Religion
(Arts and Humanities) Page, which includes a lot of links to academic
resources and discussions on religion.
- The WWW Library "Secular
Issues" Page. This is sort of a diverse collection of readings
and newsgroups that are about modern humanism, atheism, skepticism, and
the like. Be sure to check out the link to the "Freethought Page"
when you visit here.
- "Guide
to Early Church Documents."
- Worlds of Late Antiquity.This
is information about a course taught at the University of Pennsylvania.
Some of the topics include Augustine and the Christian Bible.
This first list includes some information about the writers we read
about in class that might be particularily interesting and useful.
I've also included a number of what might be better called "political
WWW resources" in this section.
- The BGSU Coalition Against
the Contract on America. Here's a grass-roots campus organization
working with national student organizations that are protesting the changes
in the student loan program suggested by the new Republican majority. No
matter what your personal politics, if you have a student loan or on work-study
or have a grant, you should check this stuff out.
- The Yahoo Government
Page. If you want to find out more information about government in
general on the Web, this is a great place to start.
- The Yahoo Politics
Page.Just like the above entry, this is a great place to start for
information about politics in genral on the web.
- The
Mother Jones "Monitoring Anti-Democratic Movements" Page.
- The Progressive
Pages, which is a liberal/progressive clearinghouse of WWW material.
- The Newt Gingrich
Activities Page, a collection of various quotes and such from the current
Speaker of the House.
- Progress and Freedom Foundation Homepage,
a politically conservative collection of government information and projects.
- House of Representatives WWW Page,
which has lots of connections to other places as well.
- The Senate Gopher, which
is current info about the Senate.
- "Preserving
Democracy in Cyberspace: The Need for a New Literacy," an interesting
and informative article about issues of freedom and the Internet.
Scientific Revolution
The resources that I've been able to find to date are really about "science"
in general, but some of them do provide some interesting information.
- The
Marxism Homepage, the best place to start on the 'net for info on Marx,
Communism, and other political/government issues.
- Postmodern
Culture is a scholarly journal about all sorts of different aspects
of postmodernism. While some of this is fairly dense, all of it is quite
- Alternative X,
which "is a continuing barrage of Avant-Pop fiction, Internet columns,
interviews, manifestos, post-PoMo essays and lots more!" Some fun
and interesting things.
- C-Theory,
which is a collection of books reviews and other writings on culture and
- Cardiff's Moviedatabase
on Natural Born Killers, which is the film we saw with this
unit. This link includes all sorts of information about the film and links
to a really great database, too.
- A List of
Hypertexts to explore from Eastgate Press, which is a company that
publishes a variety of hypertext tools and such.
General Internet Resources
Steve Krause/ Department of English/ Bowling Green State University/
Bowling Green, OH 43401 USA/ (419) 353-5104/ [email protected] /All
of the Standard
Disclaimers Apply