Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
A few years ago, the Japanese reportedly tried to duplicate the 4,600-year-old Great Pyramid of Giza at 1/4 scale, employing today's technology and knowledge. They could'nt do it. Indeed, the Great Pyramid seems to resist all efforts to comprehend how it was built, by whom, and for what purpose. |
Last page, with physicist John Zajac at our side, we explored the outside of this amazing and ancient structure. On this page, we conclude our examination by venturing inside the Pyramid for a fascinating guided tour through its mysterious chambers and passageways. What lies within leads to an other worldly conclusion about the Pyramid's orgin, purpose, and meaning. |
Al Manun started his tunneling at the approximate center of the North face,
where legend said a passage was hidden. To keep his workers motivated,
Al Manun told stories of treasure, but his real interest was the legend
claiming that the Pyramid contained the past and future history of the
As they slowly battered into the Pyramid, a stone was heard to fall to the left of their forced tunnel. They dug to the source of the sound, which led them to a descending passage and the entrance door on its far end. What did they find on the other side of that door?
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The Great Pyramid of Giza as it appears today, since the removal during the Middle Ages of its protective layer of tight-fitting, highly polished 20-ton stone slabs. |
The Ascending Passage departs from the Descending Passage and joins with the Grand Gallery at the entrance of a room finished in unblemished limestone with gabled ceiling called Queen's Chamber. The Grand Gallery also connects with a much larger room finished in highly polished granite having a flat ceiling known as the King's Chamber. The King's Chamber, 17 by 34 ft. by about 19 ft. high, is covered by five layers of large, 70-ton stone beams, each one the equivalent weight of a modern railroad locomotive! These beams hold the Pyramid up above the King's Chamber. Amazingly, air ducts in the main chambers keep the year-round temperature comfortable at precisely 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
A crude, steep, twisting crawl space called the Well Shaft connects the lower Grand Gallery with the lower Descending Passage.
A three-stone plug, wedged in place at the entrance to the Ascending Passage during the building of the Pyramid, is composed of a rare type of red granite identical with that of Mt. Horeb--the mountain on which Moses is alleged to have received the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. The only way to go beyond the plug was to cut through the softer limestone and bypass the plug.
For those on our tour who are hyperventilating from excitement, let's stop and sit down as we consider the significance of these structures.
The Descending Passage lines up with the Pole Star. With the door opening
so small and the length of the passage 334 feet long, the angle of view
is only + or - 1/3 of a degree. Because of the slow motion of the stars,
the passage lines up precisely to a Pole Star only once every several thousand
years. Stars move, and the Pole Star, Alpha Draconis (Dragon Star) has
not been in direct alignment with the Descending Passage for thousands
of years. However, a new Pole Star will finally become aligned within the
next few years; this heavenly body is known as the North Star, or "Polaris".
Each year the North Star shines further down the Descending Passage. It will illuminate the entrance to the Well Shaft (sometimes called the Point of Last Escape) in 1997. The North Star will shine on the floor of the Subterranean Passage seven years later in 2004. What is the significance of these events? (Some people speculate they may be related to "the signs in the stars" that the Bible mentions with regard to the Second Coming of Christ).
The only scribings in the Pyramid, which are in the Descending Passage, depict the year 2141 B.C., the year that the last Pole Star was aligned with the Descending Passage. The Pyramid was built 4,517 years ago in 2623 B.C. (Since there was never a year zero, an additional year must be subtracted). From the point representing the building of the Pyramid to the point where the Descending Passage meets the Ascending Passage is 1,170 inches, which exactly marks the year of the Jewish exodus from Egypt in 1453 B.C. (See illustration)
The intersection of the Queen's
Chamber floor with the floor of the Ascending Passage at its opening into
the Grand Gallery creates a triangle. The triangle's length along the Ascending
Passage of 33,512 Jewish inches places the intersection of the Queen's
Chamber floor and the Ascending Passage at September 29, 2 B.C., the date
of the birth of Christ. (Our calandar contains a two-year error. When historians
originally attempted to count backward to the birth of Christ, they did
so by accounting for the Reign of Kings. One of the kings counted was actually
ruler of his country twice, the second time under a different name for
a period of two years. When the years of rule were counted, this king's
reign was mistakenly counted twice).
Coincidentally, the horizontal base of the triangle in the Pyramid is 30,043 inches, or 3,469 inches short of the crucifixion, which corresponds to the date of October 14, 29 A.D., the date of Christ's baptism.
Over 4,600 years ago and over 1,000 years before the first book of the Bible was written, the Ascending Passage exactly depicted in inches (years) and fractions of an inch the exodus of the Jews, and the birth, baptism, and crucifixion of Christ. All that was stored in a stone structure with no written message on it.
Although the first books of the Old Testament were written at least 1,000 years after the Pyramid was built, the height of the Pyramid could not have been measured when the book of Isaiah was written, because the geometry required to make such a measurement had not yet been developed. Also, the base of the Pyramid was obscured by shifting sand.
Of course, being located both "in the midst" of Egypt and at the same time "at the border" seems to be a logical impossibility. However, in ancient times before the unification of the country, there was lower Egypt (north) and upper Egypt (south). The borderline between the two Egypts goes right through the Pyramid, thus placing the Pyramid both in the center and at the border of Egypt.
Suppose we ask the question posed initially: Who built the Pyramid? We have to conclude that it was somebody who was very knowledgeable about the Earth and who had technology beyond what we possess today. The Pyramid's designer could also see, and more likely, control, the future. The builder knew when and where the most significant person in history was going to be born and when he was going to die and what impact that would have on the people of the Earth.
Could the builder of the Great Pyramid be a space visitor from another
planet? Possibly, if we focus on his advanced knowledge. However, being
able to see and/or control the future precisely is what we would recognize
as supernatural. Dedication of the interior of the Pyramid to the history
of the Jews, prophecy, and especially to the life and death of Christ indicates
that the Pyramid must have been designed and built with Supernatural help
as a prophetic monument able to endure through the ages, despite millennia
of natural and man-made assaults against it.