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![]() It is also becoming transparently clear that the Giza pyramids should be studied in the context of a highly advanced worldwide culture which preceded the earliest civilisations of the 4th millennium BC. It is an archaeological fact that the mysterious fortified town of Jericho, dates back to 8000 BC.(3) In 1991 it was announced that geological evidence had dated the Sphinx at Giza to the same era.(4) And, more recently, the British authorities announced an 8000 BC dating for the first phase of the Stonehenge astronomical observatory in England.(5) As the accepted paradigms of human history begin to crumble, those pioneers who dared to challenge the establishment (Charles Hapgood, Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin among others) are smelling the scent of victory in the air... But if the Great Pyramid was not a tomb, what was it? A study by Zecharia Sitchin in 1980 (6) highlighted the geographical relationship between Giza and a colossal stone platform at Baalbek in Lebanon (Figure 2). The implication is that the pyramids of Giza acted as beacons which guided the pilots of aircraft towards a landing site at Baalbek.
![]() However, if the Giza pyramids were designed simply as guidance beacons, why is the construction of the Great Pyramid so complex? What is the significance of its unique chambers, passages and shafts, as shown in Figure 3?
![]() In April 1993, the explorations of Rudolf Gantenbrink shed new light on the so-called "airshafts" of the Great Pyramid. Gantenbrink's robot, UPUAUT 2, found a doorway with two metal handles 210 feet along the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber. This discovery finally shattered the idea that the Pyramid's shafts were designed for air circulation. For more than 3 years, the Egyptian authorities have refused to allow anyone to carry out the simple task of slipping an endoscope beneath the doorway, to see what lies behind it. Rudolf Gantenbrink, however, is convinced that a chamber lies behind the door, and provides a long list of engineering clues in support of his claim. The question is - why did the Pyramid's builders decide to situate a chamber at the end of an 8 inch square shaft that can only be reached by a robot? In the light of the discoveries by Bauval, Gantenbrink, Sitchin and others, it is now time that we finally laid to rest all of the symbolic tomb theories and examined the Great Pyramid's chambers and shafts from a purely functional perspective. The answer to the Great Pyramid's function(s) lies in ancient texts which refer to it as an E.KUR - a "House Like a Mountain" with a "Pointed Peak". These texts describe many internal features of the Pyramid in remarkable detail and describe the use of its awesome powers in a war of the "gods".(7) As a result of this war, the Pyramid was permanently taken out of service and its capstone removed. What was the source of the Pyramid's awesome powers? "Pyramidiots" will be disappointed to hear that the ancient texts attributed the Pyramid's power not to any special magical properties but simply to a water supply. This is an amazing claim, for several scientists around the world are engaged right now in unlocking the power of water by splitting it into its two constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen. What is the significance of hydrogen and oxygen? Hydrogen, when burned, produces a very high temperature flame, and is commonly used in industry for welding and cutting metals. Oxygen is highly reactive and essential for almost all known forms of combustion. These two gases can therefore be used, under controlled conditions, to create a powerful source of energy, the oxygen acting as a combustion agent for a hydrogen gas fire. How did the water supply enter the Great Pyramid? The 15-feet high Queen's Chamber Niche (Figure 4) marks the position of a Water Fuel Cell, a device that was long ago removed. The mutilated hole behind it (attributed to "unknown treasure seekers") marks the entry point of the water supply, drawn upwards from an underground stream beneath the Pyramid.
![]() Once this Water Fuel Cell had split the water into hydrogen and oxygen, these two gases were transported separately to the King's Chamber. The hydrogen gas was then burned under controlled conditions in a granite box measuring 90 by 39 by 41 inches (Figure 5). This mysterious box, known as "the coffer", is thought to have once had a lid. The damage to one of its corners marks the point where the gases were once fed in via connecting pipes.
![]() It is now clear that the doorway discovered by Rudolf Gantenbrink was in fact a valve in a system which fed gas from the Queen's Chamber to the King's Chamber. This doorway was remotely operated, but with two handles for emergency over-ride. It is highly likely that the unusual dome-shaped entrance to the King's Chamber's southern shaft (previously mutilated and now fitted with a fan) was once fitted with a valve or filtration unit. As for the other shaft, which carried the heat energy upwards to a generator device in the Pyramid's capstone, several archaeologists have commented on its blackened appearance... Above the King's Chamber (or Fire Chamber, as it should now be called) we find the largest and heaviest stones in the entire Pyramid - five granite beams forming the so-called Construction Chambers (see Figure 3). The experts are unable to explain why these beams, weighing up to 70 tons, possess smooth polished bottoms and rough tops, for it seems inconceivable that the Pyramid's builders would have left them unfinished. On the contrary, the combination of a smooth bottom and rough top was a deliberate design which enabled each beam to give off more heat than it absorbed. The reducing size of the beams, combined with the four air spaces between, enabled the heat from the fire to be gradually reduced to a level which did not damage the surrounding limestone blocks. The Construction Chambers were thus a chimney. As well as transporting gas, the unusual shape and features of the Grand Gallery (Figure 6) suggests that it may have doubled up as a radio-telescope. Along the Gallery's side ramps, 27 pairs of niches now lie empty, whilst another pair of empty niches is situated at the top of the Gallery on the Great Step. Damage to the walls of the Gallery alongside these niches indicates that certain objects were forcibly removed. These objects almost certainly had a functional role and it is possible that they might have been crystals which resonated to different frequencies and were thus used in the radio-telescope's incoming communications facility. ![]() According to the experts, the opening of the Pyramid's doorway, scheduled towards the end of 1996, will reveal a statue of Khufu or a secret repository of information. On the contrary, my hydrogen gas power generator theory predicts an empty Gas Settlement Chamber, with two further connecting shafts... The Pyramids of Giza are only one example of a mysterious high technology which was used in ancient times. If you would like to learn more about the advanced culture which was responsible for the Pyramids and other ancient monuments, please click below:
Certain aspects of the hydrogen gas generator theory have been temporarily withheld from the synopsis outlined above in order to prevent breach of intellectual copyright. Once worldwide recognition for this theory has been received, the author will update this page with the full details and diagrammatic summary of the theory. This article is copyrighted (C) 1996-1998, by Alan F. Alford. All rights reserved. The illustrations are the copyright of Alan F. Alford unless otherwise stated. (1) R. Bauval & A. Gilbert, "The Orion Mystery", William Heinemann, 1994. See also R. Bauval & G. Hancock, "Keepers of Genesis", William Heinemann, 1996. (2) Z. Sitchin, "The Stairway to Heaven", Avon Books, New York, 1980. There is considerable academic debate about one or two aspects of Sitchin's evidence, but it is difficult to repudiate his overall case when all of the evidence is considered. (3) "Wonders of the Ancient World", National Geographic Society, 1994, pp. 36-7. (4) Dr Robert Schoch, a geologist at Boston University, highlighted the weathering profile of the limestone rock, out of which the Sphinx had been carved. This weathering could only have been caused by prolonged rainfall, leading Schoch to estimate that the Sphinx had to be between 9,000 and 12,000 years old. Nearly three hundred geologists have endorsed Schoch's conclusions. (5) The Daily Mail, 28th June 1996. The evidence for this amazing claim is a radiocarbon dating from charcoal (formerly pine trees), which was found in numerous circular pits measuring 4 feet across and 5 feet deep. A thesis published by Stonehenge's chief archaeologist, Dr Geoffrey Wainwright, suggests that 20-feet high wooden "totem poles" were erected and worshipped at the site. (6) Z. Sitchin, op. cit. (7) Z. Sitchin, "The Wars of Gods and Men", Avon Books, 1985.