Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
'Let's Talk About Love' is #1 in the Billboard 200. Read more about this extra! extra! here. New!
What This Song Means To Me
Celine Dion's musical power touches, moves, and inspires fans of all ages from all places. Do you have a special Celine song? One that stands apart from the rest? One that's probably playing in your head as you read this? Tell CelineOnline what that song means to you. You can share your story in "What This Song Means To Me." It's at the bottom of each song page, under each of Celine's albums, in the music area of CelineOnline. Explain why you
get the shivers every time you hear the song. Why it still brings a tear
to your eye. Why it has changed your life. Tell us about your special Celine
song and read about what it means to others. Just scroll down to the bottom
of each song page, under "Cast Your Vote," and tell us why that song?
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