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Complete List of Tarot DecksTarot Main MenuClick on any link below to see cards from that deck |
Sale Decks! |
Ages, Tarot of
the - Mario Garizio, U.S. Games, $15.00
Tarot - Rosemary Ellen Guiley & Robert M. Place, Thorsons/HarperCollins,
Aleister Crowley
Thoth Tarot Deck - Aleister Crowley & Lady Frieda Harris, Weiser.
LARGE: $18.00, small: $15.00
*Ancestral Path
Tarot Deck & Book Set - Cuccia-Watts & Hoover, US Games,
*Angels Tarot
- Rosemary Guiley, Robert Place, Harper Collins, $30.00
Aquarian Tarot
Deck - David Palladini, U.S. Games, $15.00
Arcus Arcanum
Tarot Deck - Wascher & Hager, AGM AGMuller, $18.00
*Arthurian Tarot
(aka Hallowquest) - Caitlin & John Matthews, Thorson/Aquarius,
*The Astrological
Mandala Tarot - A.T. Mann, Thorson's, $32.00
Baseball, Tarot of - Kasher & Ransom, US Games, $15.00
Cartouche Cards
- Martin Jones, Ostaris Publications, $12.00
Cat People, Tarot
of the - Karen Kuykendall, U.S. Games, $15.00
*Celtic Tarot
- Courtney Davis, Helena Patterson, Thorson/Aquarius, $34.00
Chinese Tarot
Deck - Jui Gouliang, U.S. Games, $15.00
Cosmic Tarot Deck
- Norbert Losche, FX Schmid, $18.50
Daughters of the
Moon Tarot - Ffiona Morgan, Daughters of the Moon, $26.95
Dragon Tarot
- Peter Pracownick, Terry Donaldson, U.S. Games, $15.00
*Druid Animal
Oracle - Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gormm, Bill Worthington, Fireside,
Golden Dawn Tarot
Deck - Israel Regardie, Robert Wang, U.S. Games, $18.50
*Greenwood Tarot
- Mary Ryan & Chesca Potter, Thorson/Aquarian, $32.00
Halloween Tarot
Deck - Kipling West, US Games, $15.00
Tarot Deck - Mary Hanson-Roberts, U.S. Games, $15.00
Herbal Tarot
- Michael Tierra & Candice Cantin, U.S. Games, $15.00
Hermetic Tarot
Deck - Godfrey Dowson, US Games, $14.00
Hudes Tarot Deck
- Susan Hudes, US Games, $15.00
Ibis Tarot
- Josef Machynka, AGM AGMueller, $20.00
*I Ching Tarot
- Lau & Pardini, Tengu Books, $29.95
*Lakota Sweat Lodge
Cards - Chief Archie & Helene Sarkis, Destiny Books, $29.95
*Legend: The
Arthurian Tarot - Anna-Marie Ferguson, Llewellyn, $34.95
Mlle. Lenormand
Fortune Telling Cards - US Games, $5.00
Light & Shadow
Tarot Cards - Michael Goepferd, Destiny Books, $16.95
Londa Tarot Deck
- Londa, US Games, $15.00
Lord of the Rings
Tarot - Donaldson, Pracownik, Fitzgerald, US Games, $15.00
*Lost Zodiac
- Catherine Tennant, Bulfinch Press, $24.95
*Lover's Tarot
- Jane Lyle & Oliver Burston, St. Martin's Press, $28.95
Marseilles, Tarot
of - Carta Mundi publishers, U.S. Games, $16.00
*Medicine Cards
- Jamie Sams & David Carson, Bear & Co., $32.00
Medicine Woman
Tarot Cards - Carol Bridges, U.S. Games, $14.00
*Medicine Woman
Tarot Deck & Book Set - Carol Bridges, U.S. Games, $28.00
*Merlin Tarot
Deck & Book Set, by R.J. Stewart & Miranda Gray, Aquarian/HarperCollins,
Moon Garden, Tarot
of a - Karen Marie Sweikhardt, U.S. Games, $15.00
Tarot Deck & Book Set - Lloyd Morgan, Bill Greer, U.S. Games,
Motherpeace Round
Tarot - Karen Vogel & Vickie Noble, U.S. Games, $24.95
*Mythic Tarot
- Juliet Sharman-Burke & Liz Greene, illustrated by Tricia Newell.
Simon & Schuster, $24.95
Native American
Tarot Deck - Magda Weck Gonzalez & J.A. Gonzalez, U.S. Games,
Navigators Tarot
of the Mystic Sea - no authors given, US Games, $15.00
New Palladini
Tarot Deck - David Palladini, U.S. Games, $15.00
*Osho Zen Tarot - Osho & Ma Deva Padma, St. Martin's Press, $22.95
Stone Self Awareness Deck - DE ES Schwertberger, AGM AGMuller,
*Power Deck
- Lynn V. Andrews & Rob Schouten, Harper SanFrancisco, $30.00
Renaissance Tarot
Deck - Bruce Williams, U.S. Games, $18.50
Rider Waite Tarot
Deck- A.E. Waite & Pamela Colman-Smith, U.S. Games. Regular:
$14.00; Miniature: $10.00
Robin Wood Tarot
Deck - Robin Wood, Llewellyn, $19.95
Rohrig Tarot Deck
- Carl-W. Rohrig, Bluestar Communications, $25.00
Russian Tarot
of St. Petersburg - Yury Shakov, U.S. Games, $20.00
Sacred Rose Tarot
Deck - Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman, AG Muller/U.S. Games, $15.00
Secret Dakini
Oracle - Slinger & Douglas, US Games, $18.00
Spirit, Tarot
of the, Deck - Pamela Eakins, Joyce Eakins, U.S. Games, $16.00
Stairs of Gold
Tarot Deck - Tavaglione, US Games, $16.00
Starter Tarot
Deck - George Bennett, Stuart Kaplan, U.S. Games, $15.00
1JJ Swiss Tarot
Deck - traditional, US Games, $14.00
Symbolon, The
Deck of Remembrance - Orban, Zinnel, Weller, AGM AGMueller, $25.00
Unicorn Tarot Deck
- Suzanne Star & Liz Hilton, US Games, $15.00
*Universal Tarot
Deck - Maxwell Miller, Weiser, $25.00
Universal Waite
Tarot Deck - Colman-Smith, Hanson-Roberts, Kaplan, U.S. Games,
*Universal Waite
Tarot Deck & Book Set - A.E. Waite, Pamela Coleman Smith, Mary
Hanson-Roberts, U.S. Games, $22.00
Vision Tarot
Deck - Tim Thompson, Carta Mundi, $15.00
Voyager Tarot
Deck - James Wanless & Ken Knutson, Merrill-West Publishing,
*Wheel of Change
Tarot - Alexandra Genetti, Destiny Books, $32.00
*William Blake
Tarot of the Creative Imagination - Ed Buryn, HarperCollins, $32.00
Witches Tarot
Deck - Ellen Cannon Reed, Martin Cannon, Llewellyn, $19.95
Witches, Tarot
of the - Fergus Hall, U.S. Games, $15.00
Wolf Pack Tarot
Deck - Petro & Silkwood, Wind Spirit Productions, $24.95
Wonderland Tarot
Deck - Abbey & Abbey, US Games, $14.00
Xultun Tarot, the Maya Taarot Deck - Peter Balin, Arkana Publishing, $15.95
Tarot Deck - Zerner & Farber, US Games, $15.00
*The Zodiac
Pack - Judy Hall, Findhorn Press, $34.95
On each of the pages featured in this section, you'll find pictured eight cards from each deck. When two authors are given, the first conceived the deck, the second is the illustrator.
Cards are arranged in two rows. On the top row: The Magician, Two of Swords, Queen of Pentacles and Ace of Cups.
Cards on the bottom row vary. Among the eight cards should be one card from each suit, a court card & perhaps two Major Arcana cards. This will be clear once you've browsed a few decks.
In non-standard decks, sometimes we find comparable cards to show you, sometimes not.
Below the cards is more information on each deck: Price, number of cards, size (inches/millimeters), back design, books available, comments, etc.
Illustrations range from about two-thirds actual size to a little less than half in the case of larger round decks. When in doubt, check the measurements.
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