Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Charter Sailing in GreeceFor some years now I have gathered a number of friends and gone sailing among the Greek Isles. My younger brother first came up with the idea, and instead of paying any attention to the countless good reasons why we should not embark on such an adventure - we simply went along and did it. After months of theory courses and practical sailing, that is.It became an addiction even after our first trip. This is the most perfect form of vacation imaginable, and not only for ol' sailors! Greece has a lot to offer in addition to perfect conditions for sailing. The ordinary "summer-packet", for one, including tanning, swimming and night life. Good, cheap food and drink too. For some of us culture is also a plus, and the fact that wherever you are among the Greek Isles, history always surrounds you... The summer of '97 I spent another three wonderful months in this sailing paradise. First professionally, skippering for clients and doing deliveries, then five weeks of sailing with friends and family. Pictures from some of our sailing tripsOn the picture page you will find a collection of what is in my opinion the best pictures from some of our trips. So whoever and wherever you are: This is your invitation to leave boredom behind for a moment and come sailing with us!The itinerariesOn the map you can find many of the islands we visit. It is an interactive map: Click of the island you want to know more about, and you'll get a page with maps, pictures, and a lot more useful information.Wind & weatherGreece is excellent for sailing, swimming and tanning for a large part of the year. But how warm does it get, and when? And exactly how good are the conditions for sailing? That is real useful information for anyone who's considering this kind of adventure.You can experience this yourself!There's little difference in cost between an ordinary vacation abroad and a sailing charter. You pay a bit more for the stay, as you are of course charged for the yacht. But at the same time, living expenditures on board are a lot less than they would ordinarily be. Many of the islands we visit are also off the tourist tracks, and a lot cheaper than Crete or Kos, for instance.When experiences are concerned, the difference is vast!. So why don't you take a look at my charter page? It may easily lead to the best vacation you've ever had..! Are you completely "fresh" as a sailor, or have no crew? Or some friends or a family who would like to experience this for yourselves - with a hired skipper who knows the area and can "teach you the ropes"? Or do you just want more information? Contact me. Also, I'm always interested in comments about these pages! LinksI have put together a page of links to other related sites.Never finished...I am constantly adding to, and improving, these pages. If you've visited this site before, it may therefore be of interest to check out my log of changes.This site opened on 21 November 1995. Since then, the number of visitors
lucky enough to be counted is