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3D Digital Human Anatomy
The Dissectable Human (TM) CD-ROM

This demo contains samples from the Dissectable Human(TM) CD-ROM
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Dissectable Human Interface

The 24-bit, digitally photographed cross-sections of the male cadaver were segmented and volume rendered into 3D objects. Structures have been illuminated, shaded and rotated to provide stunning photo images of human anatomy never before visualized. These are not artist renderings of photographs.

Digitally reconstructed systems include skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, neural, digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive. Lymphatic and endocrine organs are shown in specific relevant contexts. A regional approach is provided, with zoom-in presentations of important organs and intersystem relationships, including head/neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, arms and hands, and legs and feet.

The skeleton, which can be toggled on and off, is used as a reference for each initial view of a body system. Most systems (such as muscular and skeletal) can also be viewed as overlays in selectable combinations with other systems. The overlays can be made transparent to allow uncluttered views of internal organs, and the combinations can be rotated to be viewed from any perspective. Peel-away animations are included in several sections, including the palm/wrist, shoulder, and hip and foot. Quicktime(TM) Virtual Reality and EAI's proprietary 3D viewing software (EAIViewer(TM)) allow digital dissection of organs and regions from several perspectives.

All images have a labeling layer that can be optionally merged with the primary image to provide on/off labeling capability. This includes oblique views that are part of rotation sequences. The correct American English pronunciation of each label is provided as sound data.

For more infomation, read The Dissectable Human CD-ROM fact sheet

The 3D Digital Human Anatomy images were rendered using Hewlett-Packardworkstations. For detailed information about the techniques used to create these images, read the white paper:
"Volume Rendering of Visible Human Data for an Anatomical Virtual Environment"

Contact Information

Order your copy of The Dissectable Human CD-ROM


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© 1996 Engineering Animation, Inc.