charisma, strenght, artistic style and personality are bringing flamenco
to a new generation of people that had never listened to this music. Joaqu�n
Cort�s and many others new flamenco artists, are taking flamenco a step
dancer and choreographer was born in Spain (C�rdoba) in 1969 and at the
age of fourteen he joined the Spanish National Ballet, where he soon became
a soloist. His career as an independent artist started in 1990. He likes
mixing Spanish and contemporary dance. Joaqu�n Cort�s has appeared in shows
alongside stars such as Maya Plisetskaya, Julio Bocca, Arantxa Arg�elles,
Marie Claude Pietragalla... He had his first experience as an actor in
the last movie by Pedro Almodovar "La flor de mi secreto"(1996)
where he dances a choreography of his own to the music of Miles Davis.(this
great jazz musician composed in 1960 the record "Sketches from Spain"
under the influence of flamenco music and it was the first important attempt
to combine jazz and flamenco).
Joaqu�n Cort�s Flamenco Ballet Company has been touring with great sucess
during the last two years breaking the barriers of contemporary dance and
music all around the world.