Welcome to the Society for Amateur Scientists!
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You are visitor number
on the SAS Web page. Updated:
December 5, 1997. See previous issues of the SAS Bulletin online!
has great benefits! Find out how.
new opportunities for amateurs in science. Also Science Fair project suggestions!
Involved with SAS now!
Directory - Our E-mail directory of some active members.
events for SAS.
Bureau - Scientific Supplies at discount prices. Also, check out
our on-line classifieds!
Illustration - Contact our Technical Illustration Department for
assistance with your technical drawings. FOR MEMBERS ONLY
- Get information about SAS. Local Chapters near you, Mission Statement,
Bylaws, Scientific Advisors, and more!
Scientist's Forum - Connect the Amateur Scientists' Forum - The
Internet service that's helping hundreds of amateur and professional scientists
network for the good of science. The Forum makes use of Webx software,
a revolutionary new technology from Lundeen
and Associates. Lundeen and Associates generously donated WebX to SAS
so that we could bring you the exciting new features it makes possible.
Here is a selection of topics currently being discussed
in the SAS forum. To find out more, join the forum and use the WebX search
engine to locate the discussion area.
"Booming" sand dunes
"howling tube" (Rijke tube) oscillators
Are people with epilepsy generating static electricity?
Building various kinds of anemometers
Creating metabolic maps of a single celled organism or bacteria
How seedlings might sprout if growing on Mars or Jupiter
How one might measure raindrop size distributions and velocity
How different golf ball dimple patterns affect ball flight
How birds recognize members of their own species
Measuring the temperature of the sun
Mysterious sounds from pond ice
New cosmic ray detectors
On the (Darwinian) evolution of a joke
On the evolution of a kiss and meta-science
Plasma effects: Aston dark space, thin cathode glow, cathode
dark space, negative glow, and Faraday dark space
Racquetball sounds
Soap bubble colors
Solar cycle #23
Sounds generated within and by cables, musical instrument
strings, etc
The feeding behavior of Whimbrels and other shore birds that
dig in the sand for their food
The tendency for some animals to synchronize their behavior
The connection between tunneling and statistical mechanics
The analysis and characterization of musical tones
The formation of corrugated roads
Time perception
Tree growth characteristics: the different in the distances
between branches along a limb or trunk, the angles these "joints" make,
their number and disposition around the trunk, their relative diameters
with the main limb or trunk, and the degree of bending versus linearity
in the limbs
of the Amateur Scientist's Forum - Forums prior to the installation
of WebX.
Groups on the WEB. Resources for the amateur and professional scientist.
- Buy and Sell at the Amateur Scientist's Swap Meet. Now a folder in the
SAS Forum managed by our WebX software.
American - Get additional information about Scientific American's
"The Amateur Scientist" column.
Sites Other Web Sites for Amateur Scientists.
Society for Amateur Scientists
4735 Clairemont Square Suite 179, San Diego, CA 92117
Phone/Fax: (619) 239-8807 Info Requests (Outside
619 area code): (800) 873-8767 Internet: [email protected]