Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

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Accepting Entries until January 31, 1998

M.C. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist, most recognized for spatial illusions, impossible buildings, repeating geometric patterns (tessellations), and his incredible techniques in woodcutting and lithography.
  • He was born June 1898 and died March 1972. His work continues to fascinate both young and old across a broad spectrum of interests.
  • He was a man studied and greatly appreciated by respected mathematicians, scientists and crystallographers yet he had no formal training in math or science. He was a humble man who considered himself neither an artist or mathematician.
  • Intricate repeating patterns, mathematically complex structures, spatial perspectives all require a "second look". In Escher's work what you see the first time is most certainly not all there is to see.
We at the World of Escher are proud to be here to tell you stories, discuss Escher's works, provide insight, and offer our high quality products promoting the intriguing work of Escher. If you already know of Escher and his work you'll have a great time just looking around, otherwise it's time to get ready to explore a world as fascinating as the Internet; The World of Escher!

Along with discussions on Escher we have also included ideas and readings regarding Professor Roger Penrose and his mathematically based puzzles.

While browsing, ask yourself the following:
Why do so many teachers use his work as a tool in the classroom?
Was Escher a mathematician or an artist?
Why is his popularity seemingly timeless?
Why didn't you see the the illusion in "Waterfall" the first time you looked?
How can he remain so popular across such a broad spectrum of people for so long?

Questions, comments, suggestions? Our mailbox is always open.
Paul Schofield - Escher's WebMaster -
177473 since Apr 4 97

Copyright 1995-1997 World of Escher, Inc. All M.C. Escher works and texts copyright (c) Cordon Art B.V., P.O. Box 101, 3740 AC The Netherlands. Used by permission. M.C. Escher (TM) is a Trademark of Cordon Art B.V. No part of this article or photo may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise -without the written permission of the copyright owner. All artwork images have been scanned from postcards available from our store.