Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

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This page was last revised December 17, 1997.
This page went online on August 8, 1995.
Was revised to include multiple pages on May 11, 1997.

Guide to the Synchronicity Arkive
  About this Site 
(Last  12/11/97)
  An Introduction to Synchronicites 
  Other Resources on the Net  
Links to other hidden caves and shoals of interest, in the Sea of Information...
(Last  12/11/97)
  What's New and Other News 
A listing of the recent updates, plus the latest and greatest news.
(Last  12/11/97)
The Synchronicities
  Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite 
The trippiest segment of 2001 with Pink Floyd's classic, "Echoes".
This one is, in my own opinion, simply amazing!!
(Last  12/11/97)
  Dark Side of the Rainbow 
The classic fantasy film, The Wizard of Oz, with a whole new side... the Dark Side of the Moon.
A favorite of
(Last  12/17/97)
  Wish You Were Here/Blade Runner 
Ridley Scott's futuristic sci-fi thriller and Floyd's Crazy Diamond.
(Last  12/11/97)
  Wish You Were Here/Akira 
The radical Japanimation mindtrip and Floyd's Crazy Diamond.
(Last  12/11/97 )
  The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Animals 
The hardcore action/western and Floyd's Orwellian dark trip.
(Last  12/11/97 )
  Fantasia Dream 
The magical vision of Disney's Fantasia and Smashing Pumpkins' cherubic rock album.
(Last  12/17/97 )
  The Wizard of the Wall 
The classic Oz synch as seen through the lens of Roger Water's rock opera, The Wall.
*** Currently Under Construction ***
*** Coming Soon, to your web browser!! ***
The magic of Disney animation with the sounds of Pink Floyd.
(Last  9/20/97)
  Various Mind's Eye Synchs 
Computer Graphics Videos that fit to just about ANYTHING...
Join us on
   the Synchronicity Arkive SynchBoard
a message board/discussion area.
Or visit us on
   the Synchronicity Arkive SynchBoard Community Page
a page of some of our loyal-est visitors and contributors.
(Last  9/21/97)

The Magic Theatre
For madmen only
Price of entry: your mind

to the Synchronicity Arkive!!

An Introduction to Synchronicites

The match formed by a piece of visual imagery (video tape or film) with an unrelated piece of music, which forms a new and different experience from that originally intended by either work.
Synchronicities are instances where a certain clip, or even a whole movie, are found to fit extraordinarily well with different music, specifically music that evokes a surreal, or psychedelic, feel, that is intensified by the pairing.

This site takes its name from the Jungian term of "synchronicity," of a resonance formed between two events unrelated in time and space. This non-local, non-linear connection defies rational explanation. Although the majority of examples listed here cannot really be considered synchronicities in Jung's terminology, the term seems to describe the emotional state evoked better than anything else.


Synchronostic events offer us perceptions
that may be useful in our psychological and spiritual growth
and may reveal to us, through intuitive knowledge,
that our lives have meaning.

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An Arkiver Production, designed and coded by Mike Johnston.
Brought to you with the help of Compaq, Microsoft, Netscape, and Adobe.
This page is hosted by XNet Information Systems.
Site Awards
Cool Central Site of the Hour 
Pick of the Week 
Four Stars on IslandWeb
Prescribed 9/18/97 

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