Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
A worldwide effort has been underway for three years to make a cyberspace opera, not by one lone person behind a single computer, but by you, and the person who came to this page before you, and the person who will be here tomorrow...
The first and most wonderful
opera about love on the net
composed of rhymed couplets
written by cyberlovers like you.New: Interview with key members of the opera team in streaming video.The Come To Me Aria featuring Elaine Dove is now up, also streaming.We are seeking support to complete both the musical score and the development of the cyberopera project to full opera production.John Lebkowsky wrote about the opera in theAustin Chronicle.Opera companies interested in performing this first cyberopera please contact honoria."honoria in ciberspazio" is a romantic, collaborative opera. We invited everyone who visits these pages to send rhymed couplets of poetry based on concepts or quotes from the opera's plot in which five humans routinely connect to the Internet from their separate computers, search for significant romances, but encounter unreal reflective "clone" personae. Eventually the humans accept their clones and frolic together in a romantic fleshmeet (real life meeting) during which the promise of finding meaningful relationships in cyberspace is revealed to them through honoria's insight.
Over 60 contributors have sent their couplets and arias to the libretto, the opera's script. Thus, the libretto is written about the net by net-citizens, people who have intimate knowledge of the ways in which virtual relationships form and deconstruct in cyberspace. The human characters use rhymed couplets to create their Internet identities. They sing and type their words into the constantly flowing information of cyberspace. Fragmented Internet communication leads to misunderstandings and complex philosophical positioning. New original music is being composed by George Oldziey.
New: streaming video interview with some key opera team members. January 1998. Quicktime video clips: Adrienne Meza as Sandy from the SXSW webcast March 9, 1997. Elaine Dove in a Million Miles Away webcast October 1996 featuring George Oldziey's original score. Alton Dulaney, performance artist as honoria webcast December 1995. More Videos are on the Photos, Videos & Music page.
This opera was born and "fleurishes" in the ACTLab at The University of Texas, where cybergoddess Sandy Stone reigns.
For more information write to honoria at: [email protected].
honoria in ciberspazio, this cyberopera is copyrighted.
Featured in the Austin Chronicle: wrong name, but a good article.
Featured in the New York Times CyberTimes and featured in Pulse! Magazine.