Many Millennium Cruises Already Full
New Year's Eve 1999 aboard a luxury cruise ship is a dream of travelers
around the world, but it's a dream that's fading quickly. Who has space
still available? Full
Have you made any plans for New Year's Eve 1999?
Who Owns the Millennium?
Companies are making the claim they are the "official" product of the
new millennium. The U.S. Patent and Trade Office has received thousands
of applications, including several from M&M Mars, Playboy and Miller
Brewing Co. But who really has the right to "own" the millennium? Full
Millennium Bug Affects Everyone if No Solutions are
Imagine. It's New Years 1999. It's just after midnight and you're on
your way home from a party celebrating the end of the century. Will the
traffic signals work? Will the elevators in your office building work on
Tuesday morning? What will work and what won't. Full
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