Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Asterix and Obelix
Asterix is the smart one. He's most probably,
together with Getafix(the druid), the smartest person in the village. He
gets his superhuman strenght from the potion brewed by Getafix. Asterix
is always willing to help his friends. Asterix's very best friend is Obelix
Obelix is Asterix's very best friend.Obelix
is always ready to lend a helping hand, unless you're either a roman or
if you make a comment about his weight. His favourite meal is undoubtably
roasted wild-boar. He is a menhir delivery-man by trade.
Unlike the common belief did neither the vikings
nor Columbus discover America the first. Actually it was two other guys
who did it, one small and one "not fat, just low for his weight", also
known as Asterix and Obelix. They discovered America, but had to flee when
the natives demanded that Oblix had to marry the chieftains daughter.