May the Peace, Mercy and the Blessing of Allah be
upon you
WAMY Pamphlets
III&E Pamphlets
Women in Islam
Islam - Elevation
of Women's Status - by Shaikh Ali Al-Timimi (Article is from The
Society for Adherence to the Sunnah )
Status of Women and Islam
Has been totally created and made by young sisters for other young
sisters with the niyyat to give us a vehicle to express ourselves correctly
and postively, to utilize information from Qur'an and authentic Sunnah
and lastly to promote unity on a nation wide level among our young sisters!
S.A.D.A.'S Web
Site: S.A.D.A. stands for The Sisters Association for Dawah (inviting
to Islam) in Arlington. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading
Islam in America according to the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), his Companions, and those that followed
after them, The Salif-us Salih, which were the Pious Predecessors.
Islamic Information Database
Alharamain Foundation: Special
Offer !!! Free copies of the Holy Quran .
Valley Islamic Settlement: Located
in Dunlap, CA, is an attempt to re-examine how Muslims can live and raise
their children in this country. Muslims have not fared well living highly
concentrated in the major cities. The history of da'wah (the only valid
excuse for living in this country) has been very poor and the raising of
children has had even more dismal results. We believe and have found that
life in the coutryside gives us a much greater degree of control over our
environment and allows for a much better situation for the raising of Muslim
The Islamic Assembly of North America
(IANA): is one of the organizations of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah.
Its goal- by the will and support of Allah- is to gather together all of
their energies and potential resources, dawah-wise, human and financial,
to revive and meet the needs of Muslims.
Open University ( School of Islamic and Arabic Studies ):
The American Open University is based on the goal to provide educational
services for all those who seek knowledge, and to bring it to them wherever
they may be, in order to enable them to reconcile their study requirements
and their making a living. It does not have an age requirement or full-time
The Institute of Islamic and Arabic
Sciences in America (IIASA): is an educational and research institution.
Among the various activities of the Institute are teaching Arabic and Islamic
courses (free of charge), and undertaking research in Islamic studies.
A window to the Islamic heritage:
Excellent Webpage.
Islam Question & Answer:
This site aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyone's
question about Islam, whether it be from a Muslim or a non-Muslim, and
to help solve general and personal social problems. Responses are composed
by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, a known Islamic lecturer and author.
Questions about any topic are welcome, such as theology, worship, human
and business relations, or social and personal issues. Feel free to browse
existing database of questions categorized by topic.
Al-Maktabah as-Salafiyyah:
This Home Page is intended to provide information on the Religion of Islam,
from the sources of the Qur'an and the Authentic Sunnah.
The Society for Adherence to the Sunnah:
To inform and educate the Muslims so that they may acquire a true and
unadulterated knowledge of their faith; to encourage them to apply its
teaching and rulings, its virtues, morals, and noble manners. Audio
Tape Catalog Summer 1418/1997
Islamic Circle
of North America (ICNA): is a non-ethnic, non-sectarian,
open to all, independent, North America wide, grass root organization.
Homepage of Dr. Abu Ameenah
Bilal Philips was born in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada where
he accepted Islaam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic and a B.A.
from the College of Islamic Disciplines (Usool ud-Deen) at the Islamic
University of Madeenah in 1979. At the University of Riyadh, College of
Education, he completed a M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985 and in the department
of Islamic Studies at the University of Wales, U.K., he also completed
a Ph.D. in Islamic Theology in 1994.
Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR): is a nonprofit, grassroots membership organization. CAIR
was established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America.
CAIR is dedicated to presenting an Islamic perspective on issues of importance
to the American public. In offering that perspective, we seek to empower
the Muslim community in America through political and social activism.
Comparative religion and other related subjects
"We will show them Our Signs in the furthest
horizons, and within themselves, until it becomes manifest to them that
this (the Qur'ân) is the truth"-Holy Qur'an Chapter 41,
Verse 53.
Radio, Newspapers and Magazines
need to download RealAudio to hear Radio News Casts)
The Qur'an and other related subjects
The Hadith and other related subjects
Publications: From the beginning of its existence, Dar-us-Salam
is producing and publishing religious books prepared on high standards
of printing. The main object of Dar-us-Salam is to propagate the pure teachings
of Islam which have been provided to us through the Quran and Sunna.
Dar of Islamic Heritage:
To project a clear image of the religion of Islam in accordance with
the Quran and Sunnah as understood by As-Salaf-as-Saleh (pious predecessors).
Al-Maktaba Al-Islamia
Dar Taiba: Taiba is a branch
of United Distributing Co. One of the largest Publishing and distributing
houses in the Middle East.
Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi: Specializing
in both classical and modern books in the Arabic language, we also feature
an extensive collection of books translated to or written in English.
Islamic Publications
and Subscription Information
ISLAMIC Software
Islamsoft Inc. Our Mission
is to provide a high-quality easy-to-use Islamic software using the latest
technology available in the World. We are committed to provide the Islamic
software that serve all Muslims in any location of the world.
GISCO: The Global
Islamic Software Co. (GISCO) was founded to develop Islamic program to
help both students and researchers of Islamic studies. Many programs were
translated into different languages.
Alim: Get ready to explore
the world of Islam with the help of your PC! ISL makes it easy for parents
and children to learn something new about Islam everyday.
You are #
since May, 1, 1996.
Current California time is

Comments are encouraged and will be welcomed , for more Information
please write to [email protected]