In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Islamic Texts and Resources
MetaPage |
a service of MSA
@ University at Buffalo and Wings
This section is an attempt to provide a 'springboard'
for exploring texts and resources on Islam and Islamic thought, ideas,
and related issues. Although there is a fine line between the histories
of Islamic thought and Muslim civilization, it is useful to treat the study
of Islam, the faith, somewhat differently than the culture, politics and
realities of Muslim peoples.
Unless otherwise noted, all hyperlinks contain the source
information (i.e., where the information resides). Please feel free to
browse and suggest any additions,
comments, corrections.
Various renderings,
explanations and indices of the Qur'an,
scriptures from Judeo-Christian sources, as well as other religious traditions.
(Prophetic tradition) resources are also featured here, and are still being
accumulated online.
A spectrum of WWW, Gopher, FTP sites full of texts, images,
and information related to Islam and Muslims across the Internet. Specifically,
these include prayer
information, booksellers,
audio/video material, guides
and directories of Islamic information, and other
Islamic sites across the net.
[email protected]
Last Updated: Monday, September 01, 1997 9:36:35 PM