Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

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The U. S. Lawn Mower Racing Association Home Page

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IT'S OFFICIAL! Watch TNN December 26th to watch the STA-BIL Nationals! Click on Press Releases to find the TNN Press Release


Welcome!Here you will find all the mow down on the U. S. Lawn Mower Racing Association. Who we are, what we do and most of all--How YOU can get involved! Just remember our motto--we turn a weekend chore into a competitive sport!

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Be the Best-Dressed Sod Warrior in your neighborhood order the USLMRA T-Shirt Today!!!!!! And coming soon--Hot Wheels versions of Tim Allen and Al recreating the big Lawn Mower race from the TV Show Home Improvement!


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GREENBAL.gif - 0.9 K What is the USLMRA? Find out what the USLMRA is all about!

GREENBAL.gif - 0.9 K Info on the NationalsIt was another exciting year of racing! Click here to find out the results!

 GREENBAL.gif - 0.9 K Regional Race InformationThe 1997 schedule is now online! Check out race results!

GREENBAL.gif - 0.9 K Rules/Technical InfoCheck here to find out what the requirements are to participate in races.

GREENBAL.gif - 0.9 K What is STA-BILĀ® & Other Racing SitesThe Gold Eagle catalog is now online! Check it out!

newburst.gif - 0.1 K Press Releases For Press Releases for TNN Motorsports or Results of the STA-BIL Nationals 1997 click on the item you want to view

newburst.gif - 0.1 KOur Membership Application is now online! Print a copy and become a part of the fun!

GREENBAL.gif - 0.9 K Point Standings-Final Point standings will be announced at the Nationals 

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TNN Update, November 14: Set your VCR's all you Lawn Mower Racing fans! The date has finally been set to air the STA-BIL Nationals on TNN Friday Motor Madness DECEMBER 26TH!! The BC Racing Team from Locust Grove, Georgia will tape an in-studio appearance with Steve and Katy at the Motor Madness Studios. Also we will have a mock race in the parking lot. Looks like it will be an exciting evening of racing! Check here for more information!

The rain didn't dampen our spirits as 35 racers from all over the country raced to be the best in the Nation! Check us out on TNN Friday Motor Madness December 26th!
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We welcome all comments and suggestions! If you have any exciting lawn mower racing stories to share click the mail box so we can include your story in our future web pages! mail.gif - 0.3 K
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Last Updated December 4, 1997 by Gillian Bartlett