Zap Am Open
The Zap Amateur open, August 8th - 11th, in Pittsburgh,
PA was a great success. The WARPIG staff had a chance to meet loads of
internet regulars who showed up, and stopped in to say Hi. Unfortunately,
technolory nixed our planned daily updates, but check the TOURNAMENT
section more information on what went down.

European Cup Canceled!
Due to a limited number of teams registering for the
event, the NPPL European Cup, slated for late August, 22-26, 1996 has been
canceled. See the NPPL
homepage for more details.
Paintball on TV!
It's here! In the middle of the night. Break out the
coffee, or set your VCR, and check the Resources
section for the info on when to watch the ESPN 1996 World Championchips
of Paintball

- What's new, hip, and hot at the pig, and the rest of the internet.
for Newcomers
- Frequently asked questions about paintball. What is it, and
how do I get started?
Technical Pages
- Technical Specifications on specific models of paintball markers
- WARPIG Ballistic Labs
- The Tech Talk interactive message base. Got a question? Leave
a message.
- CO2, Nitrogen, and Compressed air information
- safety equipment
- camouflage
- radios and more.
Paintball Resources
- Paintball information by ftp.
- The rec.sport.paintball Newsgroup.
- Form searchable rec.sport.paintball archives.
- The Team Internet Page and electronic membership form.
- The "Play By Email" paintball game - now playable
on the web.
- How to find Paintballers on Internet Relay Chat.
- Pork Links guide to over 200 paintball web pages.
- Skirmish - paintball game for Windows
Pictures (GIF, JPEG)
- Paintballers from around the world have scanned and uploaded
these pictures for your viewing.
- Info on the International Paintball Player's Association
- Paintball magazines
- Calendar of paintball events
- Warpig field finder list
- Warpig store finder list
- Warpig's FREE classified ads
- ESPN broadcast schedule
and Commentary
- The Hot Seat
Interactive interviews - your chance to talk to some fo the biggest names
in paintball.
- Interesting and informative articles from magazines, rec.sport.paintball,
and more. Commentary from around the industry.
- The DurtyDan Experience - one of the most published names in
paintball tells it the way he sees it.
- NPPL 1996 Tournament schedule
- Links to specific tournament information
- Tournament News
- Your path to fame, fortune and fabulous prizes including a
semi-automatic paintgun - for FREE.
- Letters to WARPIG
- Information about this page
- About the name WARPIG
- A message to WEBMASTERS about our linking policies
- How to contact the warpig staff, and more.
Feedback is Welcome!
- We would like to hear from you. Use this form to let us know
how you heard about warpig. Your comments and suggestions are important
to us.