Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
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A far-from-condensed explanation for this whole sorry episode, along with one or two things you probably already know. But might not. Lara
chose not to choose life. i chose something else...
Monday 27th October, 1997 |
![]() So, without being all cryptic and hiding behind faintly-amusing banter, you'll find that the entire conversation and (obviously) photo-shoot with Rhona Mitra has been shamelessy ripped from the sturdy spine of 'top' men's magazine FHM and placed carefully on to the more comforting surroundings of the scanner. Not only that, but... well, other than a few extra scans and mini-articles from other corners of the world's media, it *is* just that but, hey, there's still enough to keep you interested for, ooh, maybe the best part of five (yes, five) whole minutes - In total, no less than 774Kb of new graphics and a slightly less impressive 38.8Kb of new text. That's still quite a lot of text to get through, though. But enough
about me. So, how've you been?
in FHM: Selected highlights.
Monday 27th October, 1997 |
you're not aware of FHM (it stands for 'For Him Magazine' actually) the
chances are it isn't available in your country. Apparently, it's Britain's
best-selling men's magazine and has even gone so far as to win a few awards
which is nice and not at all surprising considering that it caters for
the discerning male who hasn't got the guts to reach a few shelves higher.
And so, in the November issue Rhona Mitra joined the likes of Gillian Anderson and... others in appearing on FHM's front cover. Along with seven pictures dragged from the photo studio (including one with "the world's luckiest snake" - like, as if the snake even cares), a short interview dug a shallow trench into Rhona's personal and public life including long-awaited news of the forthcoming Lara Croft single. Quoth Rhona:
The Lara Croft single is called Getting Naked. When was the last time you were naked in a public place?It all sounds fair enough - In fact it makes the 'good point well made' list but, and call me Mr. Picky if you like, if you can imagine John Lennon singing 'Give Peace a Chance' dressed in a blue hedgehog outfit you'll be pretty close to how much the song's message is dampened for Rhona. Crashing on, she even manages to say a thing or two about Demi Moore of the long-running 'Who should play the movie Lara?' argument:
Be careful. After filming GI Jane, she's quite buff these days.You can now confidently expect to see Rhona making some sort of an appearance in the next annual FHM 'Top 100 Babes' feature - Take the previous appearances of Pamela Anderson and Jo Guest as a yardstick of the average male intelligence. Until then, if you feel you're ready enough to try the full interview then you'll be pleased to not that it's all here, along with the pictures (scanned and compacted into a neat JPeG format) in the Lara section. |
is Eidos. Core is Core. Note the line.
Monday 27th October, 1997 |
already upset most of the Sega Saturn community by making sure they don’t
get to see Tomb Raider 2, Sony and Eidos have taken the deal one step further.
Although the PC remains safe, the chances of seeing Tomb Raider on the
Nintendo ‘64’ have now become a great deal slimmer. The agreement, probably
sealed with large amounts of hard cash, means that Tomb Raider or indeed
any other Lara-related game will only be developed on, you guessed it,
the Sony PlayStation and PC.
Usually this would be cause for a long rant about Eidos’ twisted priorities and, once again, an example of the company turning a blind eye to the people that actually buy the games in the first place. After all, who needs morals when you have money? But, at least as far as the UK is concerned, Nintendo care more about head-lice than they do about the general public, the games are very few and far between and are still being released on outdated, under-equipped, over-expensive cartridges. And if the people who bought the N64 on it’s UK launch date (which was, with customary Nintendo apathy, about a year after the rest of the world got to see it) didn’t feel even slightly ripped off by the huge price-drop a few months later then they’ve got more money than sense - Who cares about them? They’re just the sort of people Nintendo want. Eidos
proved with the early plans for the Unfinished Business expansion pack
that they were more than prepared to rip people off but, against all that
is wrong with the Nintendo empire, the deal is the lesser of two evils.
Sorry, Nintendo people - if you didn’t want a PC you should have bought
a PlayStation. Surely someone told you that?
wait is over.
Monday 27th October, 1997 |
![]() For the PlayStation people, you can find the demo neatly mounted to the front cover of PlayStation magazine, a publication which, unlike every other magazine in the world, has been very well behaved by not slapping giant pictures of Lara on the front cover each and every month just to boost sales. Unfortunately, if you want the PC version and don’t feel like downloading it then you’re going to have to buy PC Zone and suffer reading a magazine that is not only badly written and badly designed but also seems to take great pleasure from scattering every conceivable swear-word wherever they can be crow-barred in and then thinking it makes incredibly amusing reading. Banal, pre-pubescent trash with the intellect of a nine-year-old, basically. So, a word of advice, rather than spend £4.99 on PC Zone and adding another one to their circulation figures, try stealing just the CD first. Then write to the editor and thank him for the free CD. Alternatively, you can try this plan. The demo included on the magazine CD is faulty and requires a fair bit of messing about with your system registry and adjusting the time before you can get it to work. Thoughtfully, they included a phone number for people who don’t wish to do this and just want a working copy of the demo. Simply phone 0990 100444 (calls charged at 6p a minute, it says here) and they’ll probably send you a shiny CD to treasure forever through the post. Neat.
![]() The demo itself impressively shows off, amongst other things, the new, more ‘rounded’ Lara - thankfully, in the process of smoothing Lara out a bit, they seem to have decreased the size of Lara’s boobs so at least she looks proportional now, the ponytail, the dynamic lighting and one or two of the new enemies. You can even do a bit of shallow-water wading and notice that, when slowed down by the water, she moves a bit like Donald Duck did when he got angry. Try it, it’s uncanny. On
the other hand, it's not all roses on the demo front. There's no options
to save or load games, you can't define your own keys (leaving you to cope
with the blatantly unusable CTRL and ALT for action and jump respectively)
and if you leave Lara doing nothing for a minute or two then you get dumped
back in Windows. Surely things that are going to be non-existant in the
full game, but still...
complicated futility of gender wars.
Monday 27th October, 1997 |
most recent issue of Essential PlayStation contains a feature on the rise
and rise of girls in computer games and makes the claim that rather than
using a 240v A/C adaptor the PlayStation runs on Girl Power. Kind of missed
the point somewhat...
It can’t be just mere coincidence that since Tomb Raider was released, Core Design went from massive losses to massive profits. It also can’t be a case of unbelievably good timing on the part of the rest of the games industry that since Core Design started counting out money in multiples of a million that loads more games have appeared with female characters in them. Pandemonium 2: Female character Nikki gets a sexy new haircut and several inches added to her chest. Hexen 2, Daikatana, Quake 2, Fighting Force etcetera, etcetera start appearing with females among the cast list and suddenly it’s a sure sign of girl power. Certainly not when you consider that these female characters are designed by men to appeal to the 95% of games players that also happen to be men who hold the shallow belief that "as long as it's got a good pair of tits it'll do me". The male equivalent of 'girl power', the 'new lad' rears its pig-ugly head once more. Females
have made appearances in computer games since the beginning of time (roughly)
and have never made it higher than the brutally honest description of token
girlie (Oh. Except Ms. Pac-Man and I never heard the cries of 'girl power'
to accompany that one). Granted, the position of the female in computer
games is getting more respected as more girls find themselves playing them
but it’s the smiling face equal opportunities and nothing more - it'll
be a few years yet before the games industry grows up enough to have a
female in a computer game and not just for the publicity. As for girl-power:
How about considering the gut-wrenching irony of taking self-respect lessons
from 'Ginger' Spice - kind of like taking good business ethics lessons
from Eidos Interactive Limited...
news: Just arrived.
Monday 27th October, 1997 |
according to the 'Man in the Know' column in PC Zone, Rhona Mitra has been
dismissed from her position as the 'official' face of Lara Croft. Bit of
a shame, considering that, unlike her predecessor Natalie Cook, Rhona at
least looked the part and was the only sensible suggestion for a Tomb Raider
Regular readers of this column - I am led to believe you are legion - will now be only too aware of the exploits of one Rhona Mitra, she of ever-expanding breasts. Hired to portray the ubiquitous star of Tomb Raider, Rhona is Lara is Rhona - is no more, it would seem, having been dumped by her paymasters Eidos.Whether there's any truth in the rumour is, like everything else in PC Zone, left entirely up to guesswork. Never let it be said, however, that she can't fall back on her acting - The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous has recently been released on video (in the UK at least) and it may not have been a huge part but it was getting somewhere...
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