"Close enough for you, rookie?"
Welcome to Wolverine's R.E.A.L.M.: my page
dedicated to the one and only Wolverine. In it, you will find plenty
of Wolverine information, including stories in regards to his
origins, a brief physical description, a list and breakdown of his
allies, as well as his enemies, and links to other great X-Men
and other comic related sites.
Of course, there is a picture
gallery with pictures that does not exist elsewhere on the
Just to let you know, all the pictures used on all the
pages in this site were scanned by me, myself and I; I made a great
effort in not reproducing scans that I've found somewhere else on
the WWW. As a favor, I would like to ask you to not reuse them for your own site. You may download
them for your own collection, but please do not reuse them. Like other
web page creators, I've spent too many painstaking nights and
countless hours in scanning and editing (oh, the editing!) these
scans. As someone had said, it's an honor among web page creators to
not reuse other people's scans.
What pages are here?
Wolverine's R.E.A.L.M.
Facts About Wolverine
Origins of Wolverine
Wolverine's Allies
Wolverine's Enemies
Picture Gallery of
Sound Gallery
Current Wolverine Issue
Other X-Men related Links
Other Comic related Links
� Please note that school has just
started for me, and very frequent updates will be hard to come by for
these next 3 months. I will try to work on it as often as possible, so
please do check often!
Comments? Then sign my
guestbook or mail me!
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Thanks for being visitor number
to this page.
- Wolverine's Realm - Facts About Wolverine -
Origins of Wolverine - Wolverine's Allies
- Wolverine's Enemies - Picture Gallery of Wolverine - Current Wolverine issue -
- Sound Gallery - Other X-Men related links - Other Comic links -
- Mail Me!! -
Guestbook -
Did I mention I have other pages,
� This way to my personal homepage, The Q-Connection.
� This way to one of my
other comic pages, The Nova Express, dedicated to the New Warrior
with an attitude: Nova.
� This way to the
newest of my comic pages: The Shatterstar Page, dedicated to the
X-Force's hard-fighting swordsman, Shatterstar!
Coming soon!!
History of the Wolverine regular series from issue #1-current AND log
of noteworthy appearances in the Uncanny X-Men and X-Men series.
Legal Notices: Wolverine and Netscape
Now! are all �copyrights by their respective owners. All images
published on this page are reproduced without permission, bearing in
mind that the intent of this page was for hobby purposes only. I
produced this in the intent to share my interest in comic books.
Otherwise, everything else is �copyright by Alan Quan.
Created on 2/4/96. Last updated 9/25/96.
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