Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Welcome to The Foo Fighters Web Site!
Dave Grohl, Petra Haden (of That Dog), William
Goldsmith, Pat Smear, Nate Mendel, and Chris Carman
Photo by Shyla Gorman;
Graphic by Chris Carman
Originally created: 5/95
Established at 12/14/95
Last Updated: 1/18/97
Before sending me any questions about the Foo
Fighters, scour up and down these pages to make sure your question
hasn't already been answered somewhere in here. The Official
Band Biography is a good place to start.
Also, if you want to take anything off of this page and
distribute it anywhere on the Internet, please give credit where credit
is due. I've spent a lot of time working on this site, and I don't appreciate
it when people pass off my work as their own. Feel free to use it, just
include my name and this page's URL (
with anything you take. Thanks!
Some Recent InFooMation
"As a member of the band, I am very happy with the new record"
said Nate Mendel a few weeks ago. The as-yet unnamed follow-up to
their 1995 release is being finished in the stuio as we speak with producer
Gil Norton. According to Nate, the album could have anyhwere up
to 17 tracks, and be over an hour long. Some of the track titles that are
being worked on are "The Color and The Shape" and the
fast version of "Up In Arms", which has been a part of
their live shows for over a year. The album could be out as early as April
1997, but a more realistic release date is tentatively set at May
5th, 1997. Stay tuned here for more info as it comes in!
Foo Fighters won Best Group Video for Big Me at the 1996 MTV Video Music Awards! The most interesting thing was probably the fact that Dave is now sporting a short beatlesque haircut. Pretty cool. If you missed the pre-show interview with the band, check out this Quicktime Movie of it, or if you missed the entire awards show, you should also watch this clip of the band receiving their award!
If you want to submit a review for the site for any live Foo Fighters show you've ever seen, e-mail it to me at [email protected]! Include the city and venue where you saw them, as well as the date. A setlist would also be nice, but it isn't necessary.
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