Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
On July 1, 1969, John, Yoko, Julian and Yoko's daughter
Kyoko were motoring around northern Scotland on holiday. After visiting
John's aunt in Durness, Sutherland, they became involved in a serious car
crash in the town of Golspie. They were all taken to Lawson Memorial Hospital,
where John required 17 stitches for a facial wound, Yoko 14 stitches and
Kyoko four. Julian was treated for shock.
The next day, Cynthia Lennon angrily visited them long enough to take Julian back to London.
Ringo and Maureen Starkey substituted for John and Yoko at the release
party July 3 for the "Give Peace A Chance" single at London's
Chelsea Town Hall. The record was released on Friday, July 4, the same
day the still-hospitalized John (wicked sense of humor evidently unscathed)
wrote this postcard.
Beatles autograph expert Frank Caiazzo takes up the story:
"Wrought with classic Lennon witticisms and intentionally misspelled words, he starts off by writing '[THIS IS NOT A BEGGING LETTER]' and goes on to say 'I am a crippled family who need som mony to git out of Scotcland a few hundred will do.' At the bottom of the card he has signed as 'Jack McCripple (ex seamen).'. The card is addressed to 'Dirty Tayler M.B.E.' at the Apple Headquarters address, 3 Savile Row in London. The front of the card pictures a castle and John has drawn a line to one of the windows and written 'held prisner'.
This card was originally a direct consignment of Derek Taylor, as lot # 312 in the Sotheby's sale of August 21, 1990 in London. This item again showed up in auction on May 26, 1994 at Christie's London sale, as lot # 103."
A helicopter landed on the hospital lawn to take John, Yoko and Kyoko back to London on July 6, 1969.
The postcard now is now a permanent part of the Obvious Mooseum collection.