The Athenian Trireme Olympias
This page is always under development: last update 28/3/96
Some items on this page:
- New on this page
- After many requests, I have started adding some pictures of Olympias
to this page. I have also updated it with the new information about sea
trials this year, and enlarged some other sections. Some people have asked
me to start up a trireme email list, mainly to act in a social sense so
we do not lose touch with each other: if you are interested in being on
it, please email me. I have
also added an article
written by Alec Tilley which takes a different look at the historical evidence
about the trireme.
- Latest news on seatrials
- Details are starting to firm up for the next series of sea trials to
be held at Poros from 27/28 July to 17/18 August. Ford Weiskittel has started
recruiting in America, and Rosie Randolph is handling the UK and Europe.
Other countries should contact Rosie (see the Trireme
Trust). Further details, including a recruiting form, can be reached
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An Introduction to the Trireme
Olympias is a reconstruction of an Athenian Trireme of the 5th
and 4th centuries BC, built in Greece to a design worked out by John Coates,
a naval architect, taking into consideration ancient evidence researched
by John Morrison, former President of Wolfson College, Cambridge. Olympias
was commissioned into the Hellenic Navy in 1987. The two pictures below
show Olympias propelled in two ways: by sail and under oar.

She is manned by 170 oarsmen (and women), 85 a side, arranged in three
tiers, Thranites at the top, Zygians in the middle, and Thalamians at the
bottom. Height generally determines where you sit. The ideal crew height
is 5'10", and if you are over 6'1" you will probably find conditions
cramped on board. You can get an idea of what it looks like from the inside
from the first picture below; the second picture gives you a side-on view
of Olympias coming into dock.

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Olympias Sea Trials
Based on Poros (an island approx. 30 miles south of Athens).
- 1987 (First Series)
- Highly experimental. Featured in BBC documentary. Crew: mostly British.
Longest voyage: circuit of Poros (1 day)
- 1988 (Second Series)
- Modified oars - now with counterweights. Crew: 2/3 British, 1/3 American,
some Irish. Longest voyage: to Methana then circuit of Poros (1 day).
- 1990 (Third Series)
- Most existing speed records set during this trip. Crew: 1/2 British,
1/2 American, also some Dutch. Longest voyage: around coast to Porto Heli
(5 days).
- 1992 (Fourth Series)
- Longest voyage achieved (and first trireme passage of the Corinth canal).
Crew: 2/3 British, 1/3 American (only 90% capacity). Longest voyage: Corinth,
via Aegina and Salamis (6 days)
- 1993 (London)
- Participation in Democracy 2000 Celebrations on Thames, i.e. lots of
PR, not much proper rowing. Based in Putney, then Tower Bridge. Crew: 2/3
British, 1/3 American (only 70% capacity)
- 1994 (Fifth Series)
- Mostly PR purposes: Channel 4 and Greek film crews. Crew: mostly British
(only 70% capacity).
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There are a number of books available on the topic of ancient ships,
but these are just a few to act as a starting point.
- Coates, J.F., The Trireme Sails Again, Scientific American,
April 1989, pp68-75
- Morrison, J.S., and Coates, J.F., The Athenian Trireme: The History
and Reconstruction of an Ancient Greek Warship, Cambridge University
Press, 1986
- Morrison, J.S., and Williams, R.T., Greek Oared Ships, 900-322 B.C.,
Cambridge University Press, 1968
- Shaw, T., The Trireme Project: Operational Experience 1987-90, Lessons
Learnt, Oxbow Monograph 31, 1993
For an alternative view on what a trireme actually looked like, check
out the article here.
For a more detailed discussion, try:
- Tilley, A., Three men to a room - a completely different Trireme,
Antiquity, Vol 66, No 252, Sept 1992
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Some WWW resources about the Trireme
This list is rather random: as I explore the net myself it will probably
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Glossary of Trireme Terms
- Askoma
- Leather sleeve for keeping seawater from entering through the thalamian
- Keleustes (pl. Keleustai)
- The bo'sun who controls the oarcrew
- Thalamian
- English term from Greek thalamios, the name for the oarsmen
in the lowest file of the trieres
- Thole, tholepin
- The pin of wood forming, with the oarloop, the fulcrum of the oar.
- Thranite
- English term from Greek thranites, the name for the oarsmen
in the uppermost file of the trieres
- Trierarch
- The captain of a trieres
- Zygian
- English term from Greek zygios, the name for the oarsmen in
the (vertically) middle file of the trieres
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Trireme Self-Assessment Questionnaire
By Anu Dudhia, originally appeared in the '92 Trials year book
A lot of people may have felt that they were rowing in the wrong place
in the trireme. This is a self-assessment questionnaire to decide which
position you are most naturally suited to.
- Your height is....
- (a) 5 feet, 11 & 3/4 inches (no, really, you just look taller,
that's all)
- (b) As tall as it takes so as not to have to row down there
- (c) OK, just show me how to tie one of these bowline knots
- The role of the Thranite is to....
- (a) Prevent the Zygian from interfering with the Thalamian's blade
- (b) Prevent the Thalamian from interfering with the Zygian's blade
- (c) Figure out how to get a suntan on their other side
- The role of the Zygian is to....
- (a) Set the rhythm of the whole boat
- (b) Keep the Thalamian quiet
- (c) Wear clean socks
- The role of the Thalamian is to....
- (a) Set the rhythm of the whole boat
- (b) Look after the water bottles
- (c) Thalamian? What's a Thalamian?
- The Thalamian behind you catches a crab. You think....
- (a) I hope their restraining rope is doing its job
- (b) Serve them right for getting in my way!
- (c) Crab? What's a crab?
- How many Thalamians does it take to change a light bulb?
- (a) None: they'd get a Thranite to do it
- (b) Three: one to change the bulb and two to sit around and complain
about the conditions they have to work in
- (c) A Thalamian wouldn't bother, they're used to the dark
- You have just been told that you achieved a maximum speed of 9.7 knots.
You think....
- (a) Dammit, we'd have made 10 knots if everyone had pulled as hard
as I did
- (b) Wow, If I'd known we were that close to 10 knots I'd have pulled
- (c) Close enough, can we go home now?
- Returning from a 4 hour morning outing, do you....
- (a) Head for the nearest beach
- (b) Head for the nearest bed
- (c) Head for the nearest bar
- The most memorable part of rowing a trireme was....
- (a) Sharing the experience
- (b) Sharing the cameraderie
- (c) Sharing the bodily fluids
- Boris and Ford are....
- (a) The life and soul of the Trireme
- (b) These funny voices in your head which kept telling you to do crazy
- (c) Aaaaaaaaaaargh! Nurse! Nurse! Those nightmares - they've come back!
(1) a=2, b=1, c=0.
(2) a=0, b=1, c=2.
(3) a=1, b=2, c=0.
(4) a=0, b=1, c=2.
(5) a=0, b=1, c=2.
(6) a=2, b=1, c=0.
(7) a=2, b=1, c=0.
(8) a=2, b=0, c=1.
(9) a=2, b=1, c=0.
(10)a=1, b=2, c=0.
- If you were a Thalamian and scored...
- 0-4: You probably complained a lot, but you secretly enjoyed it and
wouldn't have been happy rowing anywhere else
- 5-9: You hated every minute of it, and aspire to Zygianity.
- 10-20: I think your head must have hit one cross-beam too many.
- If you were a Zygian and scored...
- 0-4: You are an unusually sensitive and caring person
- 5-9: Born and bred a Zygian, always were, always will be. Sorry.
- 10-20: You're probably wondering why your Thalamian never talks to
you any more
- If you were a Thranite and scored...
- 0-10 : You probably didn't mix much with other Thranites. Tiresome,
aren't they?
- 11-15: Nice to think you talked to your triad occasionally.
- 16-20: I bet you came back with a good sun-tan, didn't you?
- 21-30: You've probably spent too long out in the sun.
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The Trireme Trust
The Trireme Trust was formed in 1982 by Frank Welsh, John Morrison and
John Coates in order to foster studies and other activities leading eventually
to the reconstruction of an Athenian Trireme or trieres of the 5th Century
Information about the trust may be obtained from the secretary Mrs
Rosie Randolph, Pyrton Halt House, Watlington, Oxford OX9 5AN, Tel: (01491)
612 411, Fax: (01491) 614 061.
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The Trireme Trust USA
The US branch of the Trireme Trust has as its President Ford Weiskittel,
who is responsible for recruiting crews from the North American continent.
You can contact Ford directly at [email protected]
or via snail mail at: Trireme Trust USA, 803 South Main Street, Geneva,
NY 14456.
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Trireme Rowing Club
Doug Lindsay and Andrew Ruddle are still interested in forming a group
to encourage on-the-water activity between sea trials. Doug has experience
in traditional wooden craft like gigs and cutters, and Andrew has connections
with what he calls the 'ARA Rowing' world. They wish to develop fixed seat
rowing as a skill, creating a permanent pool of skilled and experienced
oarspeople for Olympias, as well as encouraging ARA competition. For a
first step, they suggest that a Trireme Rowing Club could be set up, as
a 'flag' for oarspeople to row under on a scratch basis at any sort of
race or regatta (The name has been approved by the ARA for racing). If
there was enough interest, it may well be possible to find a permanent
base; this would, they guess, be somewhere between Reading and Putney as
a geographical average of where most of our crews are based, but they are
open to suggestions. Branches in other areas of active support would also
be encouraged, and trips to specialised rowing facilities. If you're even
the SLIGHTEST bit interested, please contact either of them, at:
Doug Lindsay Andrew Ruddle
59 Inmans Rd 59 Berkeley Court
Hedon Weybridge
Hull Surrey
HU12 8NQ KT13 9HY
(01482) 897 066 (01932) 220 401
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This page is maintained by Charlie
Day. You can reach me by email at:
[email protected]. Thanks also to Anu Dudhia for help and