Flight Planning software for the
3a & 3c

Navplan is a flight planning program for the Psion Series 3a
and Series 3c palmtop computers. It provides all the functions required
for flight planning and preparation - navigation, fuel planning, weight
and balance and performance - but runs on a true multi-tasking computer
which fits into your pocket allowing you to carry out flight planning anywhere.
The program is configurable to match the specific needs of any pilot either
private or commercial, flying aeroplanes or helicopters.
Optional modules are available for commercial operators, providing accurate
performance information for both aeroplanes and helicopters based on Flight
Manual data and graphs. These modules can be approved by the relevant bodies
for inclusion in a company operations manual. For more information about
performance modules for commercial operations, please contact us.

Summary of main features
Creation of routes of up to 100 sectors.
Different operational modes for helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
Fuel planning can include information for departure, en-route and arrival
Use of user-defined fuel rules to allow modification of hold and contingency
fuel for VFR or IFR flights.
Full user-override facility for all sector details - time, fuel flow,
groundspeed etc.
Customisable screen display to show MTOW, ZFW, APS and load weights
as required.
Vertical navigation allows for varying fuel flows and speeds with altitude,
and insertion of climb and descent sectors.
Route reversing and total time and distance display.
Summary display in Navlog format shown on screen.
Loading of passengers allows selection of weights from user-definable
standard or non-standard weights.
Cost facility allows selection of a cost rate from four different cost
types for each sector.
Route Save/Load facility allows storage of complete flights using long
file names.
Airways Save/Load facility allows creation of large routes from smaller
route segments.
User-definable waypoints allowed from latitude/longitude, OS Grid reference
(UK waypoints only), or bearing/distance from a known waypoint.
User-definable databases allow storage of weight information for specific
aircraft in any configuration.
User-definable type databases allow storage of type-specific information.
Weight and balance editor allows definition of configurations and envelopes
with graphical display of envelope.
Printing system uses in-built Psion system to provide print preview
and Navlog printing.
Utilities provided include conversions, airspeed and altitude utilities,
local sunrise/sunset times, Critical Point and PNR calculations.
On-line help available via Psion Help key.

Select desired option for more information and screenshots:
Flight planning
Weight and

Navplan is approved by AOPA
and the British Helicopter Advisory Board

Contacting Airtech Systems
(0990) 133148
(0990) 133148
E-mail....................................................[email protected]
Prices and ordering information
Navplan Europe...........................................................£130.00
Navplan North America...............................................$200.00
Navplan Special Performance Versions...............................Apply

Navplan can be purchased directly from Airtech
or from our North American distributor New
World Technologies

5 Wynford Lane
Scotland U.K.
Copyright AIRTECH SYSTEMS 1996
This Home Page was created by James