Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Welcome to the AirShow, where you can find aircraft brokers and dealers, and use the first aircraft search engine on the Web to locate a particular aircraft. There are hundreds of airplanes for sale at today's AirShow, and hundreds more can be found using AirShow's search engine. You can search them all, or just see What's New.
The AirShow received a Four Star rating from the Smithsonian's Air & Space Magazine. We hope you will enjoy the AirShow, too.
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The chief honcho here is the Airboss. Let him know what you think, and how AirShow can better serve you.
It's still here! Download a sound file of a radial engine aircraft fly-by and use it as a awesome system event annunciator.
the radial engine fly-by (126K WAV)
the radial engine fly-by (126K WAV)
Actually, the Airboss would like to remove the radial engine sound file and replace it with something new. But he doesn't have the heart. He gets mail from folks saying things like "XX thousand hours, and it still brings tears to my eyes."
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