Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
The Einstein Factor

Your Intelligence!

New research suggests that
the genius of Albert Einstein
and Leonardo da Vinci
may have resulted more
from mental conditioning
than from genetic superiority.
Can we learn to condition
our minds in the same way?
pioneer Dr. Win Wenger says yes. After 25 years of research, Wenger has
developed a battery of techniques -- based on the actual recorded practices
of great geniuses -- for enhancing creativity, expanding memory, solving
problems, deepening insight and even increasing your IQ.

Wenger's most potent technique is Image Streaming. Experiments have shown
that -- in some cases -- every 80 minutes you spend Image Streaming can
raise your IQ by one full point.

Through Image Streaming and other simple methods, you can learn to activate
your Einstein Factor -- that latent catalyst for ingenious thought that
lies within all of us.