Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
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most of you have done so for one reason: Adoration of the all-time greatest
actor, Humphrey Bogart. Bogie has been my favorite actor since I-don't-know-when
(and Casablanca has always been my favorite movie), and when I first started
setting up my home page I was shocked when numerous Web search engines
failed to turn up a single page devoted to him. Therefore, I decided to
rectify that oversight myself. [I've since discovered two additional Bogart
sites, one of which is commercial and labelled "The Official Web Site."
(See Links
to Relevant Sites.)]
You may wonder why a site devoted to Bogart doesn't include any stills from such major films as Casablanca and Maltese Falcon. Well, it did include these, but I was forced to remove them on April 1, 1996, along with an extensive sound clip collection. Why? Because these materials are owned by Turner Broadcasting System and its subsidiary, Turner Entertainment Company (TEC), which hold all copyright and trademark rights to 50 Bogart movies (see Filmography for the complete list). Without their official permission to post these materials, I'm unable to use them. Rest assured, though, that I'm working towards getting that permission. Developments will be announced here.
You'll notice, if you haven't already, that I've kept this site entirely black and white, which I hope you'll agree helps set the proper tone. In this spirit, I've made my links appear in black text, changing to grey after they're followed. It makes them a bit difficult to see, but I think you'll agree it's the right way to go.
(Asterisks indicate new material added this week)
Brought to you by Mike Rosenberg, San Diego, California. Updated September 8, 1996.
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