The World Wide
Web Employment Office(tm)

This WWW page is sponsored by The
Office Annex. It was created to be a central starting point for all
of your Job Search Needs on the Internet. Eventually, you will find links
for most job, career, employment & resume sites.
Don't forget to check out our posts, either!!
- Call (206) 884-5297 for details on integrating
your web-site with our occupational matrix. You can funnel more "Qualified
Applicants" to your Job Listings because our occupational approach
is self-screening, allowing you more time to work with candidates that
are tuned in to your requirements.
Job Candidates - We will post your resume for $40.00US for a year($45.00
with EMAIL DIRECT(tm) connection).
If you don't see it here, let us know and we will add it to the page.
Can't Find an Opening? We Can Help!
The Office Annex can create a list of Employers for you.
- You decide the Geography
- You decide the type of Employer
- You decide the type of work
- We create a list of Employers for You!
- We save you time, frustration and money, because we're fast, efficient,
and low cost!
Look at the Jobs & Resumes Posted Here:
- Aerospace - Aircraft:
Jobs and Resumes
Positions in the Aviation Industry.
- Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing:Jobs
and Resumes
Includes Management, Timber and Logging, and Agricultural Related Occupations,
Includes All Pharmacalogical, Biotechnical, Biochemical Positions: Management,
Scientific, Research, Office Support, Etc.
- Clerical and Administrative Support Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes
Includes Financial Institutions, Insurance, Welfare, License Clerks, Secretarial,
General Office, Edp machine Operators, Mail and Material Recording Occupations.
- Communications Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes.
- Computer Science: Jobs
and Resumes,
Includes Software and Systems Environment Engineers and 53 other Computer
Science Occupations.
- Construction Trades and Extractive Workers, Jobs
& Links and Resumes
Supervisors and Managers are in Production, Operations and Maintenance
- Consultants and Consultancies: All of the Groups above have
their specialists. This Group provides a menu of Jobs
and Resumes
for each of the Groups above. All Consultants within a Group will be
included in one queue for that Group and, more often than not, listed in
the Occupational Category as well.
Education: Jobs
and Web Links and Resumes.
This Job Group includes all levels from Preschool to Post-Secondary Instruction.
- Jobs
and Resumes
All Engineering and Engineering Technician positions. Ask about our "Engineering
Package" which includes a monthly listing of companies advertising
for engineers from Entry Level to CEO. Call (206) 884-5297 for details
- Environmental
- Includes Hazmat, SAFETY, Industrial Hygiene, and Laboratories, etc.
- Food and Beverage Preparation: Jobs
and Resumes.
From Chef to Clean-up Assistants, including Factory/Commercial Food
manufacturing occupations.
- General Management Support Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes
Includes Accountants, Auditors, Financial Specialists, Buyers, Purchasing
Agents, Personnel Specialists and Other Unique Management Support Workers.
- Law and Related Workers: Jobs
and Resumes
Attorneys, Legal Secretaries, Court Clerks, Law Enforcement, Fire Protection,
- Managerial and Administrative Occupations Jobs
and Resumes
Includes Staff and Administrative Managers, Industry-Specific Managers,
and Top Executive Managers.
- Maritime Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes.
Seafaring and Maritime occupations.
- Medical Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes.
Positions, Resumes, Profiles and Web links to the Health Care Industry.
- Nuclear: Jobs(0)
and Resumes(26)
Includes Radcon, Health Physics, Nuclear Engineering, NNPPS, Commercial
Plants, Industrial NDT. Does NOT include Medical.
- Petrochemical Industry Specific Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes.
Positions, Resumes, Profiles and Web links to the Petrochemical Industry.
- Production, Operating, Maintenance, and Material Handling Occupations:
Positions and
Links and Resumes.
These are primarily the Machine Trades, Supervisors and Managers for most
types of Industrial Manufacturing. If you cannot find what you need here
go to the next menu down. It was divided for better utility.
Production, Operating, Maintenance,
and Material Handling Occupations - Continued: Positions
and Links and Resumes.
- Sales and Related Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes
Includes Services, Commodities, Real Estate, Securities, travel Agents,
Sales Engineers, Advertising, Cashiers, Counter and Rental Clerks.
SCIENCE Positions
and Web Links and Resumes
Traditional Science Positions: Chemistry, Geology, Biology, Physics, Zoology,
and Laboratories, etc.
- Technical
Includes Mechanical helpers, installers, operators, Real EVERYDAY jobs,
Electricians, Electronics, Network Installers, etc.)
- Writers, Translators, Artists and Related Occupations: Jobs
and Resumes
- A Cost Breakdown
for Posting. You may e-mail your resume to us, simply PASTE your resume
to the letter. There is a $40.00 per year posting charge and your resume
will be placed online with payment. Please, submit it in ASCII or HTML
format, if submitted in any other format, conversion charges will apply.
We do accept VISA/MC information for quicker service.
From here, The WORLD and other valuable resources!
If you know of a Web page or presentation that will help others find
a job; let us know.
Valuable Internet Resources
- Alphabetical
Recruiters, Employment Agencies, Web Links, Gopher Links, News Groups,
Corporation Opportunities Pages, State and Federal Agencies, Resume Databases
- Local Affiliates
- Resume Services Check here and see if YOUR community, in North
America or The World, has a local Affiliate of "The World Wide Web
Employment Office(tm)", If not, contact us for information concerning
becoming one today.
- Overseas Jobs Express is an
International recruiting newspaper. This newspaper specializes in job opportunities
advertised by companies that are importing employees to their respective
countries. If you are seeking employment outside your home country or are
recruiting for personnel outside your national borders this link can be
important to you.
Links and Resumes
Links and Resumes
Australia, New Zealand - Pacific Islands
Links and Resumes
If you are looking for Canadian Positions or Resumes, they are incorporated
into the Job Groups above. For specific information about Canadian Employment,
consider the Electronic Labour Exchange.
This is the Canadian Federal Government's internet recruiting tool, offered
free across Canada to employers and workers. They are rolling it out nationally
over the next few months (a second version with geographical features will
be released later this summer). They will also be putting up their national
Job Bank (similar to America's Job Bank) on the internet by the end of
Central America, South America, Caribbean, Latin America
Links and Resumes
Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Southern Europe
Links and Resumes
Links and Resumes
Middle East
Links and Resumes
S.E. Asia
Links and Resumes
Have you heard of Operation Transition?
Operation Transition is a Department of Defense program assisting active
duty military personnel, DoD civilians, and their spouses as they transition
from the Department of Defense employment to the civilian sector. If you
are seeking to hire well-trained, disciplined, and reliable personnel,
we encourage you to participate in Operation Transition by the Defense
Outplacement Referral System (DORS) and The Transition Bulletin Board (TBB).
There is NO COST for these services.
For more information on Operation Transition call the Help Desk at
1-800-727-3677 for assistance. Please let them know you found their information
at The Office Annex's World Wide Web Employment Office.
Job Search Related Products and Services
and Products List Many companies have services that you can use to
make your search go easier. Our hope is to list many of them here. Please
check them.
Search the Usenet Archives for jobs with this handy tool Clarkson's
Check for their 1-800 number at the AT&T
800 Directory on the Internet
Corporations on the Internet.List
of Corporations on the Internet
Company Profiles can be found here.Hoover's
Company Profiles
Contact us by email at The
Office Annex or by snail mail at
The Office Annex
P.O. Box 959
Lakebay, Wa. 98349
Thanks for stopping by. I hope to hear from you again soon.
Copyright © 1995 THE OFFICE
ANNEX, Lakebay, WA 98349 USA.
"The Office Annex, The World Wide Web Employment Office, The WWW
Employment Office and EMAIL Direct" are all Trademarks of The Office
Annex. P.O> Box 959, lakebay, WA 98349. All Rights Reserved