Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Founded 1991
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You can happily use almost any free or commercial Web browser
to explore the very many 3D graphics resources placed here
courtesy of the magazine subscribers and advertisers
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3D Artist subscribers, we need your address changes NOW for the 3DA#26 mailing. Send them to <[email protected]>. If we don't have your correct address, the post office probably will throw your copy away. (As a "Standard Mail" publication, 3DA doesn't get forwarded like some magazines.)
3D Artist issue #25 mailed on 12-13 Aug. and newsstand distribution will hit most North American stores on 26 Aug. (see our store list with more than 660+ locations where you can find 3DA).
See thecover (16.4K GIF) created
by Todd Sheridan with 3D Studio r4.
3DA#25 features a potpourri of nifty articles for 3D Studio DOS and Max, LightWave 3D, Ray Dream, and trueSpace. There are articles about character animation, textures, digitizing from clay models, lighting, advanced forensic work, and how to do your own stereograms.
See the 3DA#25 Web supplement page for additional information related to this issue's articles.
Forensic animation was the special topic for 3DA#22 and #23, and there is lot more in 3DA#25. It will again be the special focus of 3DA#28, and we expect to have forensic animation articles in most coming issues.
Landscape and architecture are the focus for 3DA#26 for late October.
3DA#27 in December will be our Fifth Anniversary issue. 3DA#1 was an eight-page B&W newsletter mailed in October 1991 (cover date December). Does that ever seem like a long time ago!
For following issues, we are looking for article proposals relating to low-res modeling and game development, stereo stills and animations, and using 3D tools to get 2D-like results, such as cartooning.
Don't wait for a special issue to write something! In fact, we are moving away from the "special focus" kind of thinking because 3D Artist is reader-written and there's no telling in advance what the focus is for those who feel moved to volunteer articles.
__Right now we are especially looking for articles on the new materials editing capabilities and other topics about LightWave 3D v5, about the new materials editor and other aspects of 3D Studio Max, and about using the many new plug-ins for both of those.
General needs for short tips and longer articles include more for Imagine and trueSpace, and for Mac 3D in general. To learn how to write for 3D Artist, see our Contributor Guidelines. Send text and proposals to <[email protected]>, but do not attach images or other large files without getting special instructions first.
We have posted the full article by Robert Stein III from the out-of-print 3DA#16 about how he created the fully 3D, Escher-like image "Night & Day," which appeared in several issues during 1994-95. This article tells about using his technique with 3D Studio r3, but it can be applied to many 3D applications.
__We are looking for other examples of 3D Escheresque scenes created using Stein's and any other fully 3D techniques (anything but cutting and pasting in 2D image editing software!). If we can obtain a selection of these to publish, we will publish them as a group.
__Please do not attach images or other large files to E-mail sent to <>. Inquire to <[email protected]> for special instructions on where and how to send images via Internet or CIS. Thanks.
The tip you write may inspire someone to write the tip you need.
Not the Yellow Pages - the Read Pages!
Looking for a dealer who understands 3D graphics or a service bureau that knows your needs? Perhaps you are shopping for a 3D animation package, or for models or other support for your current package. Maybe you are looking for a school that teaches 3D, or would like to find employment or to hire artists. Be sure to check out the advertisers who support 3D Artist, its 3D how-to articles and 3D news coverage, and this Web site and our other online services!
The 3DA Online Reports project, previously announced, is about to become energized!
accumulating for the next Tessellation Times
Tess current issue
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Artist Handbook Online - The motherload of 3D listings!
Studio Max resources, The Max Page
3D resources, the Onda Luminosa page
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